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Ethnic minorities double in 20 years

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The report in today's Star highlights a rise in the number of ethnic minorities in Sheffield. I would imagine there is a similar rise across the nation.


What do you think the mood of the white population will be in so many years when it seems inevitable that they will become a minority in most people's lifetime?

Do you think it will be similar to the effect it's having on white America as they are already on the verge of becoming a minority?

Here's an interesting article by Christopher Hitchens and the overall feeling as far as I'm concerned is a country that is confused, divided and unsure of its future with all the fears and potential problems that may bring.



And? What are you trying to achieve with your post?

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A discussion and an understanding of people's feelings regarding the idea of URL=cultural relativism and the gradual fading away of national identity.




The majority of people on here will quietly agree with you, but it will be the socialist, highly vocal 11/12 or so individuals that police these sort of threads that will shout you down.

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The majority of people on here will quietly agree with you,
How do you know? If you can speak for the silent majority you're possessed of skills that would guarantee you a successful political career, sadly for your view, the only politicians who hold such views don't perform well at the ballot box.

but it will be the socialist, highly vocal 11/12 or so individuals that police these sort of threads that will shout you down.

..and often it's the highly vocal 11/12 or so right wing individuals who contribute to threads like this who will shout people down.
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That's why I asked you to qualify it before offering an opinion, thanks for doing so.



..do you know why?


I'll give you a clue (to coin a phrase), because they're over represented in terms of being in need of social housing, ie they tend to be in the lower echelons of society.


If BME's ever become over represented in the AB social group you'll see the number who have social housing tenancies plummet.


Granted, but you and I both know it ain't going to happen overnight. You probably also know some groups are under-represented, Indians for example, far more likely to be owner occupiers.


When we have such a lack of social housing, where people have been born here are being denied it, and a very high need for it as property has become ridiculously unaffordable (how much gdp do we spend collectively on it nowadays?).


We need to change policy.


We need massive building programs, to create the jobs and houses/dwelling people need. We already have rising racial tensions over housing, something I've been predicting for a while.


What we need to do is introduce a two tier system, for natives and naturalised citizens vs immigrants. We can then employ natives and immigrants to build the homes we need for future prosperity.

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Granted, but you and I both know it ain't going to happen overnight. You probably also know some groups are under-represented, Indians for example, far more likely to be owner occupiers.
This is why pursuing the ethnic minorities and social housing argument is so futile, Indians are probably under represented, as are probably many 2nd & 3rd generation blacks and Asians, many immigrant communities came here to work, and were positively motivated towards self improvement, so didn't rely on social housing for long, others have been left behind, but then so have many white folks too.

When we have such a lack of social housing, where people have been born here are being denied it, and a very high need for it as property has become ridiculously unaffordable (how much gdp do we spend collectively on it nowadays?).

But many of the ethnic minorities living in social housing were born here, with parents and grandparents who've contributed into the system, another reason why the 'being born here' argument lacks credibility if wishing to discriminate on the grounds of ethnicity.


We need massive building programs, to create the jobs and houses/dwelling people need. We already have rising racial tensions over housing, something I've been predicting for a while.

But many of the issues about race and housing are based on misconceptions, although I agree it's an area of social policy that's been neglected. Having said that the general quality of social housing has improved markedly, compared to 30 years ago.

What we need to do is introduce a two tier system, for natives and naturalised citizens vs immigrants. We can then employ natives and immigrants to build the homes we need for future prosperity.

Perhaps so, although I don't believe immigrants are significantly securing accommodation that otherwise British citizens would be living in.


Despite our superficial differences in opinion chem1st, I do appreciate this is a very sensitive issue and one that has to be handled delicately, clearly if newcomers are being placed in areas where there's a high demand for social housing, then the reasons for that need to be fully justified and made available to interested parties.

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