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Ethnic minorities double in 20 years

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What do you think the mood of the white population will be in so many years when it seems inevitable that they will become a minority in most people's lifetime?


Populations change over time, I'm often reminded how Britain isn't racist, yet when presented with a situation that might challenge egalitarian principles, there's suddenly virtue in being afraid of people who don't look like you.


Twenty years is a long time, all kinds of things will change including the ethnic make up of the population, but why is the default reaction that it's a bad thing?


My youngest child has a totally different group of friends from an ethnic point of view than my eldest did and certainly far different to my own experiences, but so what? They don't perceive differences the same way the older generations tend to.


I'm sure my children's white granny never imagined she'd have mixed race grandchildren when she was a child in the 1930's, but she has several and loved them the same as her white ones.


My own mixed race children will probably marry white folks, so my grandchildren will look as different to me, as my children do to my in laws, great!-it's time to get over this nonsense.


If it makes anyone feel happier at least it will improve our chances of winning the World Cup in 20 years time ;)

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I have seen various links about the shrinking European populations from links given on here from other topics, I have not got any one specific link to give you but it would be easy enough to Google I imagine.


Like I said it is not just the UK.


But birthrates globally are in decline not just europe...


Here is the world growth rate and projection:


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Populations change over time, I'm often reminded how Britain isn't racist, yet when presented with a situation that might challenge egalitarian principles, there's suddenly virtue in being afraid of people who don't look like you.


Twenty years is a long time, all kinds of things will change including the ethnic make up of the population, but why is the default reaction that it's a bad thing?


My youngest child has a totally different group of friends from an ethnic point of view than my eldest did and certainly far different to my own experiences, but so what? They don't perceive differences the same way the older generations tend to.


I'm sure my children's white granny never imagined she'd have mixed race grandchildren when she was a child in the 1930's, but she has several and loved them the same as her white ones.


My own mixed race children will probably marry white folks, so my grandchildren will look as different to me, as my children do to my in laws, great!-it's time to get over this nonsense.


If it makes anyone feel happier at least it will improve our chances of winning the World Cup in 20 years time ;)


I don't think anyone can claim that the UK is not racist, but we have put into place laws to keep check on it and not make the mistakes made in Germany.


We are no more racist than any other country in the world including the places that people are immigrating from. In fact when it comes to keeping a check on it we have one of the best track records of anywhere.

Just because you pass laws about what is acceptable you cannot say people cant have the right to think what they like, and given the fact that changes in the country directly effect people here then they have a right to think what they want about it.

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I don't think anyone can claim that the UK is not racist, but we have put into place laws to keep check on it and not make the mistakes made in Germany.


We are no more racist than any other country in the world including the places that people are immigrating from. In fact when it comes to keeping a check on it we have one of the best track records of anywhere.

Just because you pass laws about what is acceptable you cannot say people cant have the right to think what they like, and given the fact that changes in the country directly effect people here then they have a right to think what they want about it.


They can indeed think what they want about them, just as others can inform their thinking with evidence or make criticisms.

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But birthrates globally are in decline not just europe...


Here is the world growth rate and projection:



Very disingenuous of you. The birthrate may be forecast to fall but it will still remain above 0 which means that the population will almost certainly continue to rise.

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The report in today's Star highlights a rise in the number of ethnic minorities in Sheffield. I would imagine there is a similar rise across the nation.


What do you think the mood of the white population will be in so many years when it seems inevitable that they will become a minority in most people's lifetime?


So the % if ethnic minorities has gone up to 15% in the last 20 years and that means it is inevitable that whites will become a minority in most people's lifetimes? That appears to be rather a stretch...

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I don't think anyone can claim that the UK is not racist, but we have put into place laws to keep check on it and not make the mistakes made in Germany.


We are no more racist than any other country in the world including the places that people are immigrating from. In fact when it comes to keeping a check on it we have one of the best track records of anywhere.

Well I've consistently said we're all racist, some people tend to take offence by that, but the reality of the ethnic population increasing tends to arouse their indignation nonetheless. At least in acknowledging that fact means it's something that can be dealt with-denying you have cancer doesn't make it go away.


Just because you pass laws about what is acceptable you cannot say people cant have the right to think what they like, and given the fact that changes in the country directly effect people here then they have a right to think what they want about it.


Totally agree with that, but I'm not sure how having a neighbour with a black face directly affects the way white people live, unless he happens to be a pain in the arse.

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