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Has anyone had an angiogram??

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I am having an angiogram this week (not a coronary one but a brain one)


They told me the tube is threaded up an artery in my groin all the way up through my chest and neck to my head!!! Does this hurt?? Been told I will be awake but will have a local anasthetic in my groin but will have to stay over night in hospital.


Thanks Del x

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Hiya, I used to do these as a radiographer...very safe, no you wont feel anything as there are no nerve endings in your arteries. The local will sting a little like a bee sting, and you are awake so we can monitor you, and there's no need to be asleep because there isn't any pain. You might hear a little whooshing sound in your ears as the contrast agent is injected.


Everything will be fine x

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