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Kids smoking weed


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Not all of us where pot smoking loosers when we where young, thank you very much.


lol like this, got visions of you saying it and sticking your nose in the air.


Everyone has tried at least something that is illegal or they should not of as kids.:roll:


Even if it is not weed it could be a fag, or you might of had alchole underage.

I would never want to see my kids smokng weed, but unfortunatly some parents do let their kids do it.


As long as they are not effecting you ,your life, and yours.why does it matter???

Thats their life, you live yours how you chose and they do to.



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I can't see how it's encouraged? It's not like people walk around purposely giving the stuff to kids to stop them causing trouble.

Problem is that most of these kids have parents who know they are smoking it and allow them to do so.


Probably they allow it because they smoke it too, lets face it there is nothing as quick as a teenager to spot hypocrisy.

I find the self gratification at any cost society that we now live in rather sad if I am honest, and I just don't get why people think that it is good to live with their senses dulled, they are just denying themselves "real life" experiences in my opinion, I think a much harder line should be taken against cannabis.

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Young people smoking weed are putting their long term mental health at serious risk. It predisposes the individual to schizophrenea.


There is no medical evidence that smoking weed is the cause of schizophrenia. What it can do is highlight any mental problems that may already be present in the the person and show them up earlier than normal. Perhaps smoking it is doing them and us a favour in detecting their mental problems earlier.


I do agree though that smoking it at a young age can be detrimental to attitude and cause long term effects


One thing governments don't liked about it is that it can make people lethargic and gives them a more liberal attitude to life. They are more likely to question authority and be dissident. The early flower power of the 60's showed that.


"Tune in, turn on and drop out" as they used to say.

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Is it me or is there a lot of kids smoking weed in public?

It seems every night when i finnish work i have to walk past a group of wannabe gangstas smokin weed, spitting, being racist and trying to intimidate people (usually younger kids or lone females) and saying 'innit' :rolleyes:

I thought it may be just whilst the school holidays were going on but even now they are back at school its still a problem. :rant:


What bothers me with this is that you seem quite disturbed by the behaviour of these kids yet I didn't read any mention of you notifying the police. There's nothing anybody on a forum can do about it.



Though this is yet another good argument for the de-criminalisation of drugs. i doubt they would have had such an easy time getting hold of the drug if it was sold the same way as alcohol. Granted kids drink too but I doubt they personally purchased it. Drug dealers don't care who buys their product.

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Let's be honest, we all did it when we were young





it makes kids 'dopey' and impervious to their surroundings.


Hmmm... suddenly I'm in two minds about the stuff.


Theoretically cannabis is illegal, but then again, theoretically we have a police force to deal with such things. So much for theory.

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now a days generation do not understand what there parents said or disallow them, they do not respect there parents, and now a days smoking weed is very common and somking ciggrates are also found in kids, but smoking ciggrattes are very low, because its sale is prohibited to underage


Today's generation of ganja smoking kids, have parents who are 40 years old...and were probably ganja and fag smokers too.

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Is it me or is there a lot of kids smoking weed in public?

It seems every night when i finnish work i have to walk past a group of wannabe gangstas smokin weed, spitting, being racist and trying to intimidate people (usually younger kids or lone females) and saying 'innit' :rolleyes:

I thought it may be just whilst the school holidays were going on but even now they are back at school its still a problem. :rant:

Could be worse, they could be drinking.

I would sooner walk through a gang of dope smokers than drinkers. I can cope with giggling far easier than verbal abuse.

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It can be, isn't always though.


So your telling me ,most parents know where their kids are at night,and what they have been up to? Dont thinks so..:suspect:


I have a 14 yr old and a 16 yr old,im well aware where they are and where they have been,and what they have been up to,because they have been brought up to respect us and others and always be truthful with us.


Oh and we dont allow them to just hang around street corners.

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So your telling me ,most parents know where their kids are at night,and what they have been up to? Dont thinks so..:suspect:


I have a 14 yr old and a 16 yr old,im well aware where they are and where they have been,and what they have been up to,because they have been brought up to respect us and others and always be truthful with us.


Oh and we dont allow them to just hang around street corners.

Exactly, it depends on how much freedom they accumulate, They don't wake up one day just sat on a street corner with a spliff and a can of super tenants. They don't walk about with knives or in gangs when they immediately get in their teens, its not having the time for them or showing interest over sustained periods that lets kids off the reigns and into anti social behaviour and crime.

I was a criminal by necessity, I was living all over the place from 11 on wards, had my first tattoo then. I opted out of school, burgled peoples houses for money to buy clothes, glue sniffed for 3 years plus in my late teens and was even in a motor accident with something we stolen in which a cousin died.

Had I lived with my dad like my other sister I may have graduated from Uni as she has this year.


I went on to get married, have kids of my own and they don't miss a day of school for year on year, do well academically, they don't hang around in gangs or do anything I don't know of, they respect us as parents and others, are polite, go to bed at set times and get to sleep ready for the next day.


I live on the same estate that I always have so its not the environment that's changed, the same pressures and opportunity to go down the wrong road are all around us, I am not rich or have any more money than my mother had when I was a kid, the only thing that has changed is my attitude to life and the fact I want my kids to have a better go of it and if all I have to do is show interest and help them make the right choices then it is nothing I should not be already be doing as a parent anyway.


There's too many kids get shown the door because parents cant be bothered to ask them about their day or would sooner sit watching the TV than have the kids read to them.

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