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Kids smoking weed


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speak for yourself - I didnt , and never would touch drugs .


What sort of message is that to send out to kids ?:loopy::loopy:


It's an honest message about his own experience. What's wrong with that?. If he had ended up a junky and it ruined his life then he would have said that. What's not OK is the hypocrisy of trying to mislead kids that all drug use has only bad consequences, because when they find out it's a lie, the credibility of the people trying to spread that message is gone. Such an approach is based on the patronising assumption that teenagers are not capable of make reasonable choices based on objective truth.

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speak for yourself - I didnt , and never would touch drugs .


What sort of message is that to send out to kids ?:loopy::loopy:


Yes you do. It's just some drugs are more acceptable than others.


With cannabis the message sent out to the kids is that it's bad full stop. With drink the message sent out to kids is 2 for a fiver, "Have it Large", the better the hangover the prouder you should be, getting into a comatose state and not being sure of where you are is usually defined as a "Banging night out". What sort of a message is that I wonder.

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Weed isnt legal because the government cant tax it thats why fags wont get banned because they can tax it and make a great deal of money from it. On topic the kids hang around in groups and act like gangsters because they think that they are americans living in the 'hood' also some of the parents dont care or encourage them to do it

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Weed isnt legal because the government cant tax it thats why fags wont get banned because they can tax it and make a great deal of money from it. On topic the kids hang around in groups and act like gangsters because they think that they are americans living in the 'hood' also some of the parents dont care or encourage them to do it


Yes they could tax it. Sell it in shops like alcohol and tobacco and it will be taxed.

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Ha - can't see this thread lasting - the last on SF that began to suggest that there may be non negative aspects to using cannabis was pulled as not being "family friendly" and then the thread where I dared to critise the closure was pulled immediately.

Don't loose sight that SF is a commercial organisation run by those that say yes

- you're ok if you want to ask "where to buy a bucket? " and possibly make a few other mildly political comments.

Oh and if you do want to complain you will be sent into a blind loop.


guess I wont be contributing any more -

Oh and just in case you are worried by my persona - I am not a user, i do not advocate or condone any illegal activity and I have seen at first hand the deteriortion of friends due to abuse of illegal and legal drugs.

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weed is the start of things to come most kids smoke the weed then move onto harder drugs most kids these days have no respect and havent a clue about life its about who supplies them and the police not doing their jobs properly we need to crack down on the sellers and this will lead on to less kids doing drugs if the weed isnt there they cannot smoke it

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weed is the start of things to come most kids smoke the weed then move onto harder drugs
I think you have heard something and just would rather repeat it than find out any facts about it as is usually the case with drug topics.


How many people do you think in the entire country have smoked dope ever ?

And how many heroin/crack/coke addicts are there ?


With your matter of factly statement I am sure you can pull some facts ?


How many of the politicians, judges, doctors ect ect who have smoked dope are now crack heads

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weed is the start of things to come most kids smoke the weed then move onto harder drugs

Ignoring the rant about da yoof of today, the gateway theory has been disproved time after time. For some people weed is one step in a chain that leads towards hard drug use, but even then it is only 1 step. Alcohol would be in that chain, but nobody says drinking alcohol leads on to harder drugs.

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