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Is anyone NOT interested in clubbing?


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Originally posted by Jack Yerbody

"...dancing in a fast forward shelf stacking motion"!!




I mean, who wants to go out and meet women when you can stay in and play on the net instead...


No no, you seem to be confusing women with slappers. If I wanted to go out and meet slappers, then I'd go out to a club and see about 80% of the females there wearing virtually nothing and offering 'it' on a plate, along with a range of STDs collected over the years. I actually have a girlfriend, you assuming otherwise on the basis that I don't like clubbing is quite pathetic really. And given the choice between being packed like sardines surrounded by lager louts, slappers, people of similar IQs to you, being deafened by 'music', or spending the night on the Internet, I would definitely choose the latter.

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Hmmmm, so all the females who go to clubs are slappers and all the males are dumb?!?! Now anybody with an ounce of intelligence would know that was a really stupid thing to say and isn't possibly true. Maybe if you actually went to the places you'd know the type of people in there. Sure some are 'slappers' as you put it and maybe some aren't the brightest people either but hardly all the same are they. :loopy:

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Originally posted by teffey_2003

I may not get a good response to this or I may not get a response all at.


It may seem pretty unusual, but I am a university student and I am not interested in clubbing. Unfortunately a lot of people at the university are.


So I was kind of wondering if there is a group whereby they meet up and doing something other than clubbing i.e. cinema 10 pin bowling, restuarants etc etc. If there isn't would anyone be interested in doing something like this?


Unfortunately, there's no such thing at uni. Everything is aimed towards hard drinkers and clubbers.


As far as this forum goes, those of us that are inclined have met up on a few occasions, but disappointingly for you it has been a drink based gathering.


There was also a cinema visit, but I think it fizzled out.


These things do need leadership, even if it is on an ad hoc basis.


If you feel motivated to try and start something through the forum itself, you may be surprised at the response you get. Making things actually happen requires years of experience in herding cats!


With so much to do in and around Sheffield, catering for so many tastes it shouldn't be hard to organise a forum expedition of some kind.

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I'd like to thank everyone for taking a thowaway line, a mere puff, and turning it into world war three.


For the record...


If you don't like drinking, you are not necessarily sad (although a puritanical approach to the drug is unlikely to win you any friends)


You don't NEED to get drunk to talk to people you fancy, nor for them to find you attractive (although, if you're a bit of a boiler, buying them a cocktail will probably help)


Music in clubs is not all repetitive, mindless, soul-less junk (although your gran would almost certainly agree with that appraisal, until you slip her a mickey finn)


Messageboards are a great way of delivering material deadpan when in fact you have a smile on your face.


I'm sure you guys have as busy and interesting a social life as I - with several key health benefits - but, quite frankly, I prefer mine.

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Originally posted by Jack Yerbody

I'd like to thank everyone for taking a thowaway line, a mere puff, and turning it into world war three.


For the record...


If you don't like drinking, you are not necessarily sad (although a puritanical approach to the drug is unlikely to win you any friends)


You don't NEED to get drunk to talk to people you fancy, nor for them to find you attractive (although, if you're a bit of a boiler, buying them a cocktail will probably help)


Music in clubs is not all repetitive, mindless, soul-less junk (although your gran would almost certainly agree with that appraisal, until you slip her a mickey finn)


Messageboards are a great way of delivering material deadpan when in fact you have a smile on your face.


I'm sure you guys have as busy and interesting a social life as I - with several key health benefits - but, quite frankly, I prefer mine.



Each to their own.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a student at sheffield uni and the whole city does seem to be geared up for clubbing. I can stand it although i'm not the greatest fan. I'm a much more social drinker and always like to be able to talk to people at the places i go. At clubs u have to be up to the person's ears who you are talkin to and then you have to literally scream at them. I can go and enjoy myself, but a few pints at my local or a good night out ten-pin bowling etc. sounds better.

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I've gotta say that if you want to go out to talk and have meaningful conversation, then don't go clubbing. If you want to dance and listen to music, then do!


Part of the problem is Sheffields ridiculous late licensing laws which leaves little options apart from clubs if you want to stay out beyond closing time. I don't particularly think Sheffield is that "geared up for clubbing" than any other city - in fact, clubbing in Sheffield has long been inferior to places like Leeds and Manchester.

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now now now children!!! Sorry I know thats patronising but for gods sake get a grip!! Let people who like clubbing go and people who dont.....well then dont? Whatever floats your boat do it....long as it doesnt hurt anyone else or damage anything. Some of the comments are just damn right immature, ignorant and pretentious...clubbers are slappers and dumb...huh?! LOL, did make me laugh....


guess I must be thick and my wife a slapper, Im 36 and used to frequent republic, not doing too bad for a thick git now earning £7k a month and owning 4 properties in sheffield!


All I have to say on the subject is try the clubs, if you dont like them nothing lost or gained, but dont for one minute assume that if you dont like clubs and denounce them, you are either a)

superior, b) cultured, c) sophisticated, or d) classier thats B*****KS and you know it!


Its all about people having fun....their way.


chill out :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by neilaw

now now now children!!! Sorry I know thats patronising but for gods sake get a grip!! Let people who like clubbing go and people who dont.....well then dont? Whatever floats your boat do it....long as it doesnt hurt anyone else or damage anything. Some of the comments are just damn right immature, ignorant and pretentious...clubbers are slappers and dumb...huh?! LOL, did make me laugh....


guess I must be thick and my wife a slapper, Im 36 and used to frequent republic, not doing too bad for a thick git now earning £7k a month and owning 4 properties in sheffield!


All I have to say on the subject is try the clubs, if you dont like them nothing lost or gained, but dont for one minute assume that if you dont like clubs and denounce them, you are either a)

superior, b) cultured, c) sophisticated, or d) classier thats B*****KS and you know it!


Its all about people having fun....their way.


chill out :thumbsup:


well said fella.....i'm 40 the missis 36 we've been together 20 years......we do more clubbing now than we've ever done before and our kids think we're proper "trendy" lol....most of our friends go to the local wmc and play bingo..but hey if they are having fun then thats up to them.

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