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Atheists fail to riot at threat to burn The God Delusion

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There are a lot of people who think of marriage and raising a family as the ultimate goal in life. Most people, gay and straight want a family.

That may well be the case but that doesn't answer my question does it.


So I put it to you again: what proportion of the people who repressed their sexuality and got married did so as you claim avoid getting a job, rather than to avoid the appalling persecution homosexuals used to and to a lesser extent still do face?

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Possibly - but I think we can be a bit more complicated that that. I don't think it's always as cut and dried as being born gay or straight, or then having sex with a few people before you get married to ensure you make an informed decision. Just not convinced sex before marriage is the safety net some make it out to be.


I've yet to meet a gay person, of either sex, who did not always feel that there was something 'different' about their sexuality or who did not know from a young age. Those who go down the heterosexual route do so because they are under social and/or familial pressure to conform.


Sex before marriage and living together will at least highlight areas of compatibility and incompatibility. According to Relate the two things that couples row about the most are sex and money. Sexual compatibility (or lack thereof) can make or break a marriage.

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The other alternative is to keep quiet and have a free meal ticket for life.


Huh? Why? Because homosexuality is 'wrong'? Why should they live a lie and in doing so, lie to their partner and deprive them of a more fulfilling relationship? You're advocating that they prostitute themselves on the assumption that the 'real' straight partner brings in the lion's share of the income.

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That may well be the case but that doesn't answer my question does it.


So I put it to you again: what proportion of the people who repressed their sexuality and got married did so as you claim avoid getting a job, rather than to avoid the appalling persecution homosexuals used to and to a lesser extent still do face?


Google is your friend


"As homosexuality becomes more accepted by our society, more gay men and lesbians feel comfortable coming out in their heterosexual marriages, though the exact number of mixed-orientation marriages is unknown. Data on these marriages is unreliable because of the inconsistent ways of defining "gay" or "lesbian" in demographic research.


Statistics from the Straight Spouse Network contend that up to two million gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals in the United States are or have been heterosexually married. Demographer Gary Gates recently found that of the 27 million American men currently married, 1.6 percent, or 436,000, identify themselves as gay or bisexual."




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But it still means the same, have you never written "Happy Xmas" on a card (or bought - or seen - one that had it printed on the front)?


Most people innocently write X as shorthand for Christ, but there are leftists who do it for different reasons...they are the same people who want Christmas to be called the "winter festival" :suspect:

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people who want Christmas to be called the "winter festival"


At least it would be acurate, rather than saying it is the "birthday of christ".


I prefer "Yuletide" myself. But people can call the celebration whatever they like for me, afterall, it's only another pagan festival that got hijacked by the religious types:rolleyes:.

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