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Atheists fail to riot at threat to burn The God Delusion

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Remember the parable about the man who built his house on a rock and the other man built his house on sand and it fell down, that man was an atheist.



Oh right then,so it says it in the bible so it must be true lol.I love the way "believers" take their hard fact to back up the bible from errr,eerrr oh thats right,,,,the bible lol.


Here we go,,I believe Wickes paint is the best in the world bar none,because it says so in the Wickes catalogue lol.It must be true,because they have no reason to lie do they?.

Just like the church,They surely have nothing to gain lol.:loopy:

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Obviously they don't think very much of its author or they would support him by defending his book.


Not at all. I'm currently reading it, and the facts are... We just don't care...


Most of us don't care about what the thrusts believe...

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Obviously they don't think very much of its author or they would support him by defending his book.


But it never happened, it was satire.


Do you think that Jesus would organise a riot if someone threatened to burn one of his favourite books? Maybe you should actually follow his teachings, rather than being concerned about getting into heaven.

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This is the final nail in the coffin, your posting on a humorous topic has hammered it in

I respected you Graham for your defence against those who ridiculed Christianity

At times I had sympathy for you when people ganged up, I didn't agree with what you said sometimes, but your faith was strong

Now I see your faith is blind

You're blinkered.

Now I feel pity

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Atheists fail.....to keep their childhood belief in an imaginary friend.


That is sound and is what the Apostle Paul did when he found God.


"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." (And followed God)


1 Corinthians 13

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There are many things in life to riot over Grahame, if a person is willing to break the law and harm people and property over the destruction of a book then they need to seek help, its a book, ink and paper thats all. Would Jesus lead a riot over a burning of the bible? Would he ****.

When you say or write something here on these threads Grahame, imagine Jesus is with you, would he like what you write, I very much doubt it. If you think he would, then guess what, you fail as a Christian


Jesus told the Pharisees exactly what he thought of them and I am following in his footsteps.

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