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Atheists fail to riot at threat to burn The God Delusion

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So worms are immortal in this place outside Jeruslem are they?


Mark 9:47-8 And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, 48where 'their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.'[c] 49Everyone will be salted with fire.


Hopw exactly was Jesus going to cast everything that offends him into "the place of Hell just outside Jerusalem"


Matthew 13:41-42 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.


According to you most people on the earth offend Jesus and we wouldn't all fit into a single place outside Jerusalem now would we?


Yet again you are flat out contradicting the book and man you claim to base your life upon.


You know Jesus spoke in parables and you are going off topic. I am making the point that you use every means possible to upset people and in my opinion you and your fellow atheists shouldn't be allowed to gang up on people. I think it is a disgrace.

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You know Jesus spoke in parables and you are going off topic. I am making the point that you use every means possible to upset people and in my opinion you and your fellow atheists shouldn't be allowed to gang up on people. I think it is a disgrace.


But you only think that because you disagree with us. Are you proposing that we do not debate issues of religion or just that we should all agree with you? If you are offended by the satircal material posted then don't read it.

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You know Jesus spoke in parables and you are going off topic. I am making the point that you use every means possible to upset people and in my opinion you and your fellow atheists shouldn't be allowed to gang up on people. I think it is a disgrace.


Be christian then and forgive them.

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Christianity talks about a judgement day, and there will be no forgiveness then.


Yep, the Rapture is coming.


I want the fundamentalists sucked up into the ether as soon as possible. Are you listening Jesus? Call your people home! I will stay down here and guard the place until you get back in seven years.


This latest burr in my heel was caused by my watching the documentary, “Waiting for Armageddon”. The movie follows a number of Christian fundamentalists on their never-ending quest for “end times” to arrive. One mother tells her children that they won’t live long enough to graduate or have children. Awesome parenting, mom…just awesome.


For the end to come, Israel needs to fall. Specifically, the Temple Mount needs to come down so it can be rebuilt. It is unclear on how the Muslims will be convinced to give up the temple but, since they have such a passive history, I guess the details aren’t that important. In the movie, many end timers were hoping that a stray rocket from the US – Iraq conflict would do the trick. Sadly, no such luck.


The best part of the story is that these lunatics believers feel that, once the Rapture occurs, the Jews will come to their senses and repudiate their beliefs. Because, if they don’t, well…it’s dirt nap time for them. The evil Muslims don’t get to go to Heaven under any circumstances. They are simply unfixable. I am not sure about everyone else.


What struck me most about watching this, and similar movies, is the abject fear that these people live in. They are afraid of damned near everything. The terrorists are after them, the government is after them, Satan is after them, other religions are after them; the list is endless. The irony that they are mostly well off white people seems to be completely lost on them.


But, here’s the point. If you truly believe Jesus has your back, what the hell are you worried about? Since the J-Man decides all things, shouldn’t you be as cool as the underside of a pillow? If Jesus wants the terrorists to blow you up, let them. You can laugh all the way to heaven. Since Jesus has a plan for everyone and everything, why spend a second trying to impact his divine judgment?


Maybe, just maybe, that fear is born from uncertainty in their beliefs. Maybe these folks talk a good game but really are scared to death of the unknown. (Which is why they probably turned to religion in the first place). This would explain why they have no interest in hearing other opinions or challenging their own beliefs. They are simply scared ****less.


Listen, my sheeple. I will protect you. My God is way more powerful than your God and can be trusted not to pull stunts like earthquakes and tornados. My God let’s the dorky dude get the hot chick. He also let’s you win at the craps table and eat Ho-Ho’s without gaining weight. Starting to sound interesting? Well, for more information, please send $10 to The Church of the Sacred Bleeding Heart of Jesus Tannerleah located somewhere in Los Angeles, CA and next week, I will post a prayer on my blog and all your dreams will come true. It’s that simple.


Or, wait for the Rapture and see if you are one of the chosen ones. Are you sure you want to take that chance?

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In my opinion the moderators should not allow people to start threads that make fun of, or belittle other people.


This thread was started to take the Mickey out of the extremist hate filled pastor, who's actions you seem to strangely agree with. It's this attitude that I'm mocking not your faith.

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This thread was started to take the Mickey out of the extremist hate filled pastor, who's actions you seem to strangely agree with. It's this attitude that I'm mocking not your faith.


Mickey taking as well. It causes offence and you all have offended me and I take exception to it.

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If you truly believe Jesus has your back, what the hell are you worried about? Since the J-Man decides all things, shouldn’t you be as cool as the underside of a pillow? You can laugh all the way to heaven. Since Jesus has a plan for everyone and everything, why spend a second trying to impact his divine judgment?


Maybe, just maybe, that fear is born from uncertainty in their beliefs. Maybe these folks talk a good game but really are scared to death of the unknown. (Which is why they probably turned to religion in the first place). This would explain why they have no interest in hearing other opinions or challenging their own beliefs. They are simply scared ****less.


Good night y'all.

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