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Atheists fail to riot at threat to burn The God Delusion

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A number of posts have been removed from this thread. Please refrain from bickering and insulting each other.

You could all try to get back on topic too.

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You could all try to get back on topic too.


Oh very well. Mutter, mutter. :)


"Das war ein Vorspiel nur, dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen." ("That was but a prelude; where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people also.")

Heinrich Heine, 1821.


(Heinrich Heine's books were among those burnt by the Nazis in 1933.)

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That was one of the worst, lamest most trite attempts at satire I've ever read!

Combined with the lamentable attempt at satire in your sig that only serves to confirm just how addled your mind is.


Just to help to out the theists are the ones who burn books and riot and kill people over the mere threat of others burning their 'holy' books. Atheists are the ones who think people should be able to do whatever they like with their property.


Theists are the ones who think the purported thoughts of their imaginary friend/s should determine what other people are allowed to do with their genitals. Atheists are the ones who couldn't care less what others do with their genitals, so long as the other party/ies consent


Atheists are the ones who think they should be able to say what they like just like everyone else. Theists are the ones who think that only they should be able to say what they like whilst they censor everyone else.


Theists are the ones who think the supposed thoughts of their imaginary friend/s should determine what women are aloud to do with their wombs. Atheists are the ones who think what women do with their wombs is their own business.


That should have cleared it up but it's obvious that you're more than a little hard of thinking so I'll try to spell it out for you:


Theists are the ones who think that the dictats of their imaginary friend/s should be imposed upon everyone else. Atheists are the ones who think imaginary friends are silly.

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"Brian Binley, Peter Bone, David Burrows, Philip Davies, Robert Goodwill and Mark Harper represent a "new generation" of Tory MPs, they.....blame "woolly-minded" liberal thinking for society's sliding values.


In the article, the MPs endorse the views of John Hayes, who wrote previously in the magazine that many moderate Muslims believe much of Britain is decadent.


The six say liberal thinking among MPs "including some who curiously wear the badge of Conservatism" snubs traditional values.


"Some liberals remain in denial, unwilling to face the decadent consequences of years of their ideas being put into practice, "


"But whether it is lawlessness, family breakdown, the menace of drugs, binge-drinking, teenage pregnancies or merely the coarse brutishness which, as Mr Hayes suggests, has infested popular culture, the results of years of woolly-minded liberal thinking (with the licentiousness it has created) are plain to see."




First it was decadent Rome that fell, now decadent Britain is falling. The worst of it is that people don't seem to care.



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Originally Posted by Grahame

People only riot about things they feel strongly about. From their lack of interest it looks as though even atheists admit it isn't worth the paper it is written on.


A lot of atheists do rate the book very highly.


It's just that, generally, they won't get upset just because a fundamentalist is trying to upset them by burning a book :)


Additionally, as rationalists, they see that the value of the book is not it's physical presence that can be burnt, but rather, the information it contains, which cannot be burnt.

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Theists are the ones who think that the dictats of their imaginary friend/s should be imposed upon everyone else. Atheists are the ones who think imaginary friends are silly.

I think you are generalising, though fair enough you are right for the vast majority.


But belief in a god does not necessarily mean that you believe you should impose your (believing it is God's) will on other people, and disbelieving god does not necessarily mean you don't.


I have little doubt that there are plenty of atheist homophobes for example.

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Combined with the lamentable attempt at satire in your sig that only serves to confirm just how addled your mind is.


Hmmm so I find your cut and pasted piece of text to be a lame, schholyard attempt at satire and you break out the personal abuse? How very resonable, rational and tolerent of you...


Just...<rant snipped>...silly.


As you seem to have missed the point entirely I'll explain. We are talking about looking at theists and atheists hence discussing behaviour not beliefs. Now we have:


A) A subset of atheists are shrill, agressive, promote their beliefs and world view as The Truth and denegrate and attack those who hold different beliefs.


B) A subset of theists are shrill, agressive, promote their beliefs and world view as The Truth and denegrate and attack those who hold different beliefs.


Get it now?


I would strongly suggest you read this on how to be an atheist without being an aggressive, abusive monomaniac...

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