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Night drive ban could save lives


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Safety campaigners are advocating the introduction of a graduated licensing scheme which would ban young motorists from driving at night, carrying teenage passengers or drinking alcohol.


A study conducted by researchers at the University of Cardiff concluded that the measures could prevent up to 200 deaths on the road each year.


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But how do you ever get experience of driving at night if you aren't allowed to drive at night?


Driving at night isn't really a million miles away from driving through the day. I think the idea is more to do with driving at a time when drink is consumed most...night.

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Night driving ban sounds completely stupid to me. I think a limit on maybe the power of the vehicle and the number of passengers would maybe be a good idea though.


I also think the current system of 'Now reverse round this corner... Good, here's your licence now feel free to drive on the motorways for which you have potentially had no training' is pretty inadequate. A more involving course that covers much more, maybe with a minimum number of hours professional tuition in given situations e.g. country roads, motorways before you take the test or something would be better.

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It's a big step from passing to being a competent driver. Some people never achieve it. What about the green plates? I like the idea of no alcohol and limited passengers. Trouble is, its getting too expensive to insure a car if you are under 25 and I guess there must be more illegal drivers on the road.

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