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Great Britain is 'worst place to live in Europe'


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Please discuss and tell me if I am wrong, over this article any way!!!


There's probably worse places to live in Europe than Britain.


Give me a minute and I'll think of one.....


A friend of mine, when I first met him in the early 90s, was of the opinion that Britain was the best pace in the world to live in etc. (much like the OP's views).


20 years later he's of the opinion that it's a fetid cr@p hole.


I must admit I was surprised by his almost 180 degree change of mind. I thought he'd be one to stick up for the UK no matter what.

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If the country is so bad, why are so many people trying to come?They are traveling though the rest of Europe to get here.


that's exatly what I was going to point out.


It can't be so bad here, if, as some of the nay sayers try to claim, the "immigrant"s are clamouring to enter the country.


come on, nay sayers, use what bit of grey-stuff you have...


You can't have it both ways. either it's too awful to contemplate living here, or the immigrants are beating a path to our door, which is it?

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that's exatly what I was going to point out.

It can't be so bad here, if, as some of the nay sayers try to claim, the "immigrant"s are clamouring to enter the country.

come on, nay sayers, use what bit of grey-stuff you have... You can't have it both ways. either it's too awful to contemplate living here, or the immigrants are beating a path to our door, which is it?

It's not too awful to contemplate, but it could be a lot better. It's gone downhill on almost every level for working class people imo since I've been an adult. Middle class and above are insulated from most of it.


There are a lot of reasons why people are beating a path to the door. If you came from most of the third third or certain countries in EE, almost anywhere has got to be better. Another reason those people prefer to come here rather than any other of the EEC countries is that they're more likely to be accepted on an equal level and get more benefits out of it. health, education etc.


It's not all crap, but it could be a lot better, which is what the report is saying.

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I don't give a kipper's dick what some piddling survey by Uswitch says - I like living in England!


I like where I live - despite the fact that Firth Park is regarded as the armpit of the universe by a lot of people.


England has some of the most beautiful countryside in the world - so what if it rains, the gorgeous days like yesterday make up for it. We have proper seasons where we can watch the re-birth of Spring, which lifts your spirits and makes it feel good to be alive.


We have Autumn days to crunch through the leaves and acorns and watch the winds whirling the leaves off the trees. We have cold, crisp Winter days, which give a tingle to your cheeks and the pleasure of getting home to a warm house.


We (sometimes) even have a Summer - where you can bask in the warmth and not have to cope with the horrors of temperatures of 40+, where all you can do is sit and melt into a greasy spot and worry about the possibility of a fire burning your house to the ground.


And we have people - mostly lovely people, though some certainly don't come into that category!


I've had the opportunity to move to Australia - my brother emigrated there 40 years ago and loves it. He tried to persuade me for years to move there, too, he would have provided sponsorship, etc, so I would have had an easy time of it.


But I like England - I think it's the best country in the world, despite all the problems we have.

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I don't give a kipper's dick what some piddling survey by Uswitch says - I like living in England!


I like where I live - despite the fact that Firth Park is regarded as the armpit of the universe by a lot of people.


England has some of the most beautiful countryside in the world - so what if it rains, the gorgeous days like yesterday make up for it. We have proper seasons where we can watch the re-birth of Spring, which lifts your spirits and makes it feel good to be alive.


We have Autumn days to crunch through the leaves and acorns and watch the winds whirling the leaves off the trees. We have cold, crisp Winter days, which give a tingle to your cheeks and the pleasure of getting home to a warm house.


We (sometimes) even have a Summer - where you can bask in the warmth and not have to cope with the horrors of temperatures of 40+, where all you can do is sit and melt into a greasy spot and worry about the possibility of a fire burning your house to the ground.


And we have people - mostly lovely people, though some certainly don't come into that category!


I've had the opportunity to move to Australia - my brother emigrated there 40 years ago and loves it. He tried to persuade me for years to move there, too, he would have provided sponsorship, etc, so I would have had an easy time of it.


But I like England - I think it's the best country in the world, despite all the problems we have.


Said like a true Englishman.

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If the country is so bad, why are so many people trying to come?They are traveling though the rest of Europe to get here.


They come for the free money and free housing.


SPOT ON.so the country can't be so bad.


That some serious twisted logic you've got there darell! I suppose you think that it's fantastic that bankers get huge bonusses for returning spiraling losses?


That's what wrong with this country....the hand being held out for something in return for nothing....that is....when it's not been earned!


There are two sayings that spring to mind to highlight the state of this country:-

1. You can't polish a turd

2. There is no such thing as a free lunch.


Me personally....i think this country is a toilet! It's an experiment in social engineering that's gone horribly wrong....and will take generation after generation to repay the debt!

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I don't give a kipper's dick what some piddling survey by Uswitch says - I like living in England!



By kipper's dick.....i assume you mean... the kippers that are now caught by spanish fishing boats in our own waters since we signed all our rights away to our OWN resources, after joining the Common market / European Community / European Union?

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