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Great Britain is 'worst place to live in Europe'


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I don't give a kipper's dick what some piddling survey by Uswitch says - I like living in England!


I like where I live - despite the fact that Firth Park is regarded as the armpit of the universe by a lot of people.

England has some of the most beautiful countryside in the world - so what if it rains, the gorgeous days like yesterday make up for it. We have proper seasons where we can watch the re-birth of Spring, which lifts your spirits and makes it feel good to be alive.


We have Autumn days to crunch through the leaves and acorns and watch the winds whirling the leaves off the trees. We have cold, crisp Winter days, which give a tingle to your cheeks and the pleasure of getting home to a warm house.


We (sometimes) even have a Summer - where you can bask in the warmth and not have to cope with the horrors of temperatures of 40+, where all you can do is sit and melt into a greasy spot and worry about the possibility of a fire burning your house to the ground.


And we have people - mostly lovely people, though some certainly don't come into that category!


I've had the opportunity to move to Australia - my brother emigrated there 40 years ago and loves it. He tried to persuade me for years to move there, too, he would have provided sponsorship, etc, so I would have had an easy time of it.


But I like England - I think it's the best country in the world, despite all the problems we have.



although I'd agree with most of what you say, i just don't understand why so many people think the English countryside is particularly beautiful. It's just not true. Places like the Lakes and the Peaks can rival anything anywhere, but there's so few places like that in Engkland that they get completely over-run whenever the weather is even halfway decent. Much of the English countryside is made up of huge agri-business fields devoid of hedgerows and trees. Of the many countries I have visited, I would say England has one of the lowest ratios of stunning countryside to urban area/dull agri-business land.

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It won't be long until the masses of people are rioting in the streets. Anyone know how to build a guillotine?


We would have cobbled one of those up in 10 mins a few years ago here in Sheffield.


You might meet a more favourable response nowdays asking about breeding devil dogs or the like!

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I don't believe in Stats and rubbish like that but I think we ignore the fact that eastern Europeans are old fashioned. Few years ago I was in Romania , driving through a small city, I stop to a shop to buy cigarettes. I park the car and wait for the traffic to stop. An old man- passing by :


Buna seara ( it means - good evening )


I am not used to strangers to say good evening on the street, socked as I was ,I didn't even say anything back.


However, I would not expect the hip-hop generation to do the same.

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It's always the same types of people who say the country is going to the dogs.


The old who are part of the baby boom generation, the very same ones who it is said have had it better than any other citizens in the history of Britain and are now wishing for "the good old days".


There's those that don't even live here any more yet seemingly know exactly how much Britain has gone downhill.


There's also the lazy ones. Too lazy or "too good" to accept the unskilled jobs but kick off when the job is given to an immigrant who would happily accept the job as this country is a good place for work. You always find the lazy ones tend to say things like, "They're taking all our jobs" yet they wouldn't take them anyway. There's also that really thick bunch who say they hate all the foreign professionals working such establishments as the NHS yet they would also be the first to complain about lack of staff if those same people weren't here.


Then there's the problem of us just having it too easy in this country. We see the smallest thing as the country going downhill.


I doubt any one who complains would choose many other European countries to live in. There's only really Germany and France that are up there with us.


How many of you have actually gone out of your way to make your communities better places? One of the above posters mentions being shocked that someone in another country said "Good evening". Have you tried bucking the trend and actually saying it yourself without being prompted?


It's the people that make the country, not the other way round.


I love this country. I travel up and down it many times a month and barring the od scratch here and there it's beautiful.

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