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Police give up the fight as yobs take over

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Police give up the fight as yobs take over


Police have lost control of the streets, the forces' watchdog warns as new figures show that an estimated 14 million incidents of anti-social behaviour take place each year – one every two seconds.


Sir Denis O'Connor, the Chief Inspector of Constabulary, says the rowdy and abusive behaviour of yobs is a "disease" within communities that has been allowed to "fester" because police have retreated from the streets in the past two decades.


In a report, he claims that forces have been guilty of chasing crime statistics and targets and ignoring anti-social behaviour or "screening out" 999 calls because it is deemed "not real police work".


Earlier this year, Sir Denis disclosed that just one in 10 police officers was free to tackle crime at any given time because the vast majority were either off work or tied up on other duties.




No real surprises. It's been plainly obvious for years that the police care for little other than meeting targets and positive PR spin.


And before anyone says "but could you do their job", no I couldn't.


Trouble is, neither can they!


But then again, as their job seems to mostly involve sitting on their 'arris stuffing their faces and filling in paperwork, maybe I could do their job. :D

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But then again, as their job seems to mostly involve sitting on their 'arris stuffing their faces and filling in paperwork, maybe I could do their job. :D


Since when did the retreat of beat policemen start in the 1990's?


In the report, he says the "retreat" of beat policemen since the 1990s has been a "mistake that had undermined their connection with the public, and allowed some of these things to gather momentum". The growing "intensity and harm" of anti-social behaviour in Britain signals a "lack of control on our streets", he says.


Started in the 60's more like - as soon as Z Cars came on the telly.


Never had any trouble on the streets of Sheffield myself.

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im with the government

make 90% of the cops redundant. Let private security companies take over the patrols and traffic enforcement. Door staff and events staff are well trained nowadays they are easily capable of driving a cop car around and sorting out yobs. They can even go back to giving them a clip round the ear for being gobby..!


Keep a few cops back for sorting out the murders and bank robbers. Everything else can be sorted out by private companies.

Any cops wanting to be involved can work for theses firms on much more realistic pay, and without the big fat juicy pension.!!

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im with the government

make 90% of the cops redundant. Let private security companies take over the patrols and traffic enforcement. Door staff and events staff are well trained nowadays they are easily capable of driving a cop car around and sorting out yobs. They can even go back to giving them a clip round the ear for being gobby..!


Keep a few cops back for sorting out the murders and bank robbers. Everything else can be sorted out by private companies.

Any cops wanting to be involved can work for theses firms on much more realistic pay, and without the big fat juicy pension.!!


What a sensible suggestion. It's a pity you're not in government with such clever ideas.

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No real surprises. It's been plainly obvious for years that the police care for little other than meeting targets and positive PR spin.


And before anyone says "but could you do their job", no I couldn't.


Trouble is, neither can they!


But then again, as their job seems to mostly involve sitting on their 'arris stuffing their faces and filling in paperwork, maybe I could do their job. :D


You forget that the police do what the politicians tell them they have to do. The situation would be different if they were left to get on with it independently. Many believe that first time offenders should do a quick spell in prison to shock them instead of waiting for offence 15 to put them inside.


Try reading 'Wasting Police Time' by David Copperfield.



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A major contribution to the problem has been the increase in the penalising of well-meaning individuals/communities that used to control such behaviour. ... coupled with the inadequacy of the criminal justice system in providing an effective replacement.
I've just listened to Sir Dennis on BBC Breakfast and he seems to be recommending we return to that method ... "Get people around the victims so they have someone else to turn to" hmmm ...
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It seems at times there is no answer. Once standards in society have gone I don't see how they can be brought back. Ken Clarke is talking about having less prisons. To me the USA has good ideas on local yobs and that is based around humiliation e.g. teenage yobs forced to stand outside shopping malls dressed in leotards or as clowns holding up placards proclaiming what they have done. These punishments are decided by elected local judges. It's cheap and cheerful and totally demolishes the 'street cred' and 'respec' that many yobs rely on to do as they please. In the UK however the 'yooman rights act innit?' would get in the way. Instead feeble ASBO's are issued, fingers are wagged and yobs just laugh.

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