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Benefit cuts on the poor whilst we increase aid for poor countries

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I see Nick Clegg has been arguing that other rich countries should be doing more to help poorer ones and has increased the level of our aid.


Total approval from me on this, it's just a shame that he has taken the money from the poor to pay for it.


Also quite interesting that he concedes we are a rich country, perhaps he'll shut up telling us about all the debt now.



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I see Nick Clegg has been arguing that other rich countries should be doing more to help poorer ones and has increased the level of our aid.


Total approval from me on this, it's just a shame that he has taken the money from the poor to pay for it.


Also quite interesting that he concedes we are a rich country, perhaps he'll shut up telling us about all the debt now.




Yeah but the only reason they're poor is because they're lazy. Fly the people from the third world over here to work and ship the lazy doleys out.


What is socioty's use for them?

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I see Nick Clegg has been arguing that other rich countries should be doing more to help poorer ones and has increased the level of our aid.


Total approval from me on this, it's just a shame that he has taken the money from the poor to pay for it.


Also quite interesting that he concedes we are a rich country, perhaps he'll shut up telling us about all the debt now.





I'm not rich so I suppose I must be verging on poor and trust me he won't get much out of me unlike those unlucky people who will be paying 50% income tax plus N.I. As they are "Rich" I suppose they will be spending all of their remaing money on champagne, alcohol, cigars and fast cars which just happen to be some of the highest taxed items in the country not forgetting the stamp duty they will have paid on their multi illion pound houses

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Ive always been a strong believer that charity begins at home ,and we should look after our own .


I dont believe we should be giving aid to ANY country, the money would be better spent here on our own citizens.


At a time when we have been left with a massive debt by the last government , it beggars belief that this policy of giving aid to other countrys is allowed to continue.

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I'm not rich so I suppose I must be verging on poor and trust me he won't get much out of me unlike those unlucky people who will be paying 50% income tax plus N.I. As they are "Rich" I suppose they will be spending all of their remaing money on champagne, alcohol, cigars and fast cars which just happen to be some of the highest taxed items in the country not forgetting the stamp duty they will have paid on their multi illion pound houses


How? are you going to emigrate?



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There's plenty of people working 9-5, if not longer, who live in abject poverty. That's before you start to counter in pensioners and the sick.


A single person working full time on the minimum wage won't be well off, but unless they live in very expensive housing they should be able to eat! A couple both working full time on the minimum wage should manage ok, and low paid working families with children have had the most increases via tax credits etc. A pensioner with only a state pension will usually have all their housing costs paid, and will get pension credit, and cold weather payments as well as the winter fuel allowance.


Abject poverty means a lack of essentials including: clean water; decent housing; food; medical treatment. Whilst there is still relative poverty in the UK, we are cushioned, by the welfare state, from suffering absolute poverty.

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Ive always been a strong believer that charity begins at home ,and we should look after our own .


I dont believe we should be giving aid to ANY country, the money would be better spent here on our own citizens.


At a time when we have been left with a massive debt by the last government , it beggars belief that this policy of giving aid to other countrys is allowed to continue.


By donating "charity" as foreign aid it's alleged we reduce our required "donation" to the EU IIRC, similalry with with assistance offerd to migrants. It may appear we're taking it from the poor but in actuality we're just not giving it to the EU.

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