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Benefit cuts on the poor whilst we increase aid for poor countries

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Ive always been a strong believer that charity begins at home ,and we should look after our own .


I dont believe we should be giving aid to ANY country, the money would be better spent here on our own citizens.


At a time when we have been left with a massive debt by the last government , it beggars belief that this policy of giving aid to other countrys is allowed to continue.


So you would prefer if it people were left to starve to death, if it meant the government could save a tiny proportion against the national debt.

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I'm not rich so I suppose I must be verging on poor and trust me he won't get much out of me unlike those unlucky people who will be paying 50% income tax plus N.I. As they are "Rich" I suppose they will be spending all of their remaing money on champagne, alcohol, cigars and fast cars which just happen to be some of the highest taxed items in the country not forgetting the stamp duty they will have paid on their multi illion pound houses


You'll still be paying 20% VAT next year & you'll pay a higher proportion of your income as tax compared to a rich person (if you work & pay tax).


Rich people can afford to save & invest, there's no VAT on those. Stamp duty is only 5%.


Maybe the rich could afford to give up a couple of bottles of champagne, poorer people have to decide which bills they can't afford.

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I see Nick Clegg has been arguing that other rich countries should be doing more to help poorer ones and has increased the level of our aid.


Total approval from me on this, it's just a shame that he has taken the money from the poor to pay for it.


Also quite interesting that he concedes we are a rich country, perhaps he'll shut up telling us about all the debt now.




People who are poor in are Britain have only got themselves to blame. They couldn't be bothered at school and then expect society to bail them out with benefits. They are poor because they are lazy. People in devolping countries don't have access to education so they can't improve their lives. British people do have education but some choose to waste the opportunity.

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Some of that debt will be the £34million the previous govt. borrowed to give to China every year and the annual £250million borrowed to give to India...much of which was embezzled by 'middlemen'.


Would that be China the second richest country in the world or the same India that has its own space program?


No wonder HM the Queen is trying to claim benefits, it seems that everybody is on the fiddle.


It seems to me that there is no possible system of Government that could keep everybody happy. :(


Something involving brainwashing would probably do the trick.

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Also quite interesting that he concedes we are a rich country, perhaps he'll shut up telling us about all the debt now.


Debt isn't wealth.


If we're so rich why are we running a deficit?


If we're so rich, why don't we pay off our national debt?


Whoops, we ain't got the dosh have we?


Yeah, that's what being rich is all about, spending more than you earn and having a massive and ever increasing debt around your neck. Just ask Bill Gates or Warren Buffett.


Britain is "all fur coat and no knickers".

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By donating "charity" as foreign aid it's alleged we reduce our required "donation" to the EU IIRC, similalry with with assistance offerd to migrants. It may appear we're taking it from the poor but in actuality we're just not giving it to the EU.
but we are still out of pocket,there are many needy causes here that could do with the money hospitals ,schools ,even our troops could be given better equipment instead of going without
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