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Show your opposition to the cuts - demonstrate at the Tory Party Conference

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All of those policies would lead to a smaller tax income for the Government, as rich people and profitable companies fled the country in droves.


Precisely, now that's £60bn out of their proposed savings of £70bn spent on driving business and the high income earners out of the country. Whilst it may save in the short term, who would we tax when all the rich people have left for Oz, New Zealand, mainland Europe and America?

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There is going to be a national demonstration in Birmingham on Sunday 3 October outside the Conservative Party Conference - come and oppose the government's public service cuts before it's too late.


A variety of Sheffield trade union branches are backing the protest. The Right to Work Campaign is arranging the protest and travel - their website has more info. Call 07986 085 162 for details about cheap travel to Birmingham from Sheffield.


Does anyone take a blind bit of notice of demonstrations and protest marches? It'll be the usual rentamob of loony lefties, thugs, dole scum, vegans, nutters and weird beards running about waving placards and shouting abuse. Let's hope the coppers have got their batons at the ready!

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Of course it was. London is the financial centre of the world and all other country's stock markets are dependent on the FTSE.


Not sure whether Wall Street would agree with you there, or the large financial markets in Frankfurt, Hong Kong or Tokyo.

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Precisely, now that's £60bn out of their proposed savings of £70bn spent on driving business and the high income earners out of the country. Whilst it may save in the short term, who would we tax when all the rich people have left for Oz, New Zealand, mainland Europe and America?


They would have to tax the rest of us more :shakes:

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Does anyone take a blind bit of notice of demonstrations and protest marches? It'll be the usual rentamob of loony lefties, thugs, dole scum, vegans, nutters and weird beards running about waving placards and shouting abuse. Let's hope the coppers have got their batons at the ready!



Milk snatcher certainly took notice of the poll tax riots! It wouldn't suprise me if the poll tax riots were like a tea party compared to what may happen next year when Smarmy Dave and Lapdog's policies start to bite.

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How about these savings for starters?


£4.7bn could be raised every year by introducing a 50% tax rate on incomes over £100,000


£10bn could be raised every year by reforming tax havens and residence rules to reduce tax avoidance by corporations and ‘non-domiciled’ residents


£14.9bn could be raised every year by using minimum tax rates to stop reliefs being used to disproportionately subsidise incomes over £100,000


£30bn could be raised every year by introducing a Major Financial Transactions Tax on UK financial institutions


£1.8bn could be saved next year by cancelling Trident, the project is set to cost £76bn over 40 years


£500m could be saved every year by eradicating healthcare acquired infections from the NHS – the extra cleaners would cost half this


£495m could be saved every year by adopting measures to improve the health and well-being of NHS staff, thereby reducing sickness absence


£1bn could be saved every year by halving the local government agency bill, as has been achieved by high performing councils


£5bn could be raised every year with an Empty Property Tax on vacant dwellings. This only exaggerates housing shortages and harms neighbourhoods.


£2.8bn could be saved every year by ending the central government use of private consultants who bring little discernable benefit


£3bn could be saved in user fees and interest charges every year if PFI schemes were replaced with conventional public procurement


Total saved: £74.195 billion


The government does not have to cut public spending as hard and fast as it is planning to. It is doing it because it doesn't believe we should have the public services we've got.


Did you suggest all that to the last government. They were in power for 13 years you know. If they had raised that much and saved that much they wouldn't have handed over a £1 trillion (£1,000,000,000,000) of government debt to the incoming government, who wouldn't then be having to clear up Labour's mess.

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There is going to be a national demonstration in Birmingham on Sunday 3 October outside the Conservative Party Conference - come and oppose the government's public service cuts before it's too late.


A variety of Sheffield trade union branches are backing the protest. The Right to Work Campaign is arranging the protest and travel - their website has more info. Call 07986 085 162 for details about cheap travel to Birmingham from Sheffield.


This is rather like someone whose dog has crapped all over the pavement protesting about someone else clearing it up.

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