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Show your opposition to the cuts - demonstrate at the Tory Party Conference

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Having a look at that leaked document listing the departments and quangos to be abolished it only reinforces my faith in this government.


I mean, why have UK Sport and Sport England? Theatres Trust? Why should they get any help? Advisory Committee on Historic Wreck Sites? Please!


By all means have advisory bodies, but have them made up of experts of the general public (they should get a load from the armchair know-alls on here!) working voluntarily.


The last Government pulled a pearler with 'the national ambassador for dance / active movement' - Arlene Phillips.


All the Arts people are in tears with their cuts to funding. Sadly too many of them spend money on rubbish shows nobody watches, and the funding makes up the shortfall. These cuts will force them to put on good shows that people will pay good money for, hence making a profit and no need for funding.

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So would you make Britain's tourists pay tax here?


What a stupid argument - UK income tax should be paid on income earned in the UK. Vat is already paid by tourists when they spend whilst visiting.


If the greedy want to up & leave, let them and if they want to move their business abroad, let them do that too - they will leave an opening which someone else will fill. We wouldn't have received millions in tax from them because they have made it clear that they are not going to pay it - bye bye and good riddance then.

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The last Government pulled a pearler with 'the national ambassador for dance / active movement' - Arlene Phillips.


All the Arts people are in tears with their cuts to funding. Sadly too many of them spend money on rubbish shows nobody watches, and the funding makes up the shortfall. These cuts will force them to put on good shows that people will pay good money for, hence making a profit and no need for funding.


But why should profit be the deciding factor in whether something is good?


There's plenty of worthwhile things that go on in life that don't make a profit.

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So if Stelios Haji-Ioannou decided to change his nationality from British to say Greek Cypriot and dropped by London on holiday, what would you propose to do about it?


Easy - people who are here on holiday don't pay income tax but people who work here do - if he works, he pays tax. If he doesn't want to pay tax, then work elsewhere.

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What a stupid argument - UK income tax should be paid on income earned in the UK. Vat is already paid by tourists when they spend whilst visiting.


If the greedy want to up & leave, let them and if they want to move their business abroad, let them do that too - they will leave an opening which someone else will fill. We wouldn't have received millions in tax from them because they have made it clear that they are not going to pay it - bye bye and good riddance then.


British Nationals abroad should also pay some money to us, in the same way US citizens abroad pay tax. After all they can always come back and use our services, they should therefore in certain circumstances make a contribution to them.


Within Britain, there are two types of tax avoider, and they need to be dealt with differently. First, there are the British citizens who claim to be only semi-resident here, and therefore say they should pay little or nothing. There is a simple way to shut this down – and it is already put into practice every day in that socialist utopia, the USA. If you are an American citizen, you pay taxes to the US exchequer, wherever you live in the world. You are allowed to earn up to $50,000 abroad tax-free, and after that, you pay American taxes. You can't be a tax exile. It's impossible. You want to be part of the American club, you have to pay the membership dues. If you don't want to contribute, you have to renounce your citizenship – a wrenching move that only 500 deeply odd and unpatriotic rich people choose every year. Britain could do the same with a click of our legislative fingers. It would abolish overnight the concept of a tax exile.


The second group are non-British citizens who come here and refuse to pay taxes on their global fortunes. Under New Labour, this group has been so cravenly courted that the IMF actually classified the British Isles as a tax haven for foreigners until 2008. Now, they pay a paltry £30,000 a year to count as a non-dom – and then nothing. For people so rich, it's the equivalent of handing us the small change down the back of their settees. They drive up prices for us all: we have to compete with people for (say) property in London who pay no tax. They can be dealt with just as easily. People who come for short stays – to be a student, or on secondment – shouldn't have to reorganise their entire tax affairs when they come; that would discourage visitors. But if you stay here for three years or more, you are plainly relying on British public services – so you should have to pay full taxes on your global fortune to us, or go.



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There is going to be a national demonstration in Birmingham on Sunday 3 October outside the Conservative Party Conference - come and oppose the government's public service cuts before it's too late.


A variety of Sheffield trade union branches are backing the protest. The Right to Work Campaign is arranging the protest and travel - their website has more info. Call 07986 085 162 for details about cheap travel to Birmingham from Sheffield.


What a load of old crap. Maggie smashed the greedy idiot unions back in the 80s but that idiot Blair and his mates appeased them by letting them get their own way a bit and spending money the country didn't have on crappy projects.

Now the roof has fallen in on the spend we have a choice of carry on but tax the hell out of people that still have jobs after Labour's disaster of a spending policy or cut to bring things back to reasonable.


You guys have a choice. Stop the cuts but pay massive tax bills to pay for the spend or support the cuts and get the country back on it's feet.


The last Labour governments have remined us what things were like before the union abuse of power was smashed. Don't let these commies layabouts fool you into thinking they are trying to look after your interests.

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What a load of old crap. Maggie smashed the greedy idiot unions back in the 80s but that idiot Blair and his mates appeased them by letting them get their own way a bit and spending money the country didn't have on crappy projects.

Now the roof has fallen in on the spend we have a choice of carry on but tax the hell out of people that still have jobs after Labour's disaster of a spending policy or cut to bring things back to reasonable.


You guys have a choice. Stop the cuts but pay massive tax bills to pay for the spend or support the cuts and get the country back on it's feet.


The last Labour governments have remined us what things were like before the union abuse of power was smashed. Don't let these commies layabouts fool you into thinking they are trying to look after your interests.




Entertaining rant but factually totally inaccurate




And as for who is greedy......


In the UK, the value of wages has declined from nearly 65% of GDP in the mid-1970s to 55% today. Over the same period, the rate of corporate profit has increased from 13% to 21%.



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Milk snatcher certainly took notice of the poll tax riots! It wouldn't suprise me if the poll tax riots were like a tea party compared to what may happen next year when Smarmy Dave and Lapdog's policies start to bite.



only people who will be rioting will be the usual great unwashed who protest about every single thing...war,palestine,edl,etc..etc....while the rest of us enjoy ourselves in this great country...no jobs to be had...theres plenty...have you seen how many kids who are dressed has pizzas around town.....

riot in london by all means....its a right dump...

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What a load of old crap. Maggie smashed the greedy idiot unions back in the 80s but that idiot Blair and his mates appeased them by letting them get their own way a bit and spending money the country didn't have on crappy projects.

Now the roof has fallen in on the spend we have a choice of carry on but tax the hell out of people that still have jobs after Labour's disaster of a spending policy or cut to bring things back to reasonable.


You guys have a choice. Stop the cuts but pay massive tax bills to pay for the spend or support the cuts and get the country back on it's feet.


The last Labour governments have remined us what things were like before the union abuse of power was smashed. Don't let these commies layabouts fool you into thinking they are trying to look after your interests.


maggie gave all the elderly on our estate cheap council houses that they now live in rent free...and when they are passed on to their kids...what a nice little earner...happy days and three cheers for maggie....anybody miss out on the sale of the century...

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But if Phil Collins dropped in, I'd give him a tax bill and ask him to stop singing.


These are extreme examples anyway. The US seem to manage to tax all of their citizens, I'm sure that we could do the same if we wanted to. Strangely, the ruling elite don't seem too keen to pursue the richest in our society. I certainly don't buy the hand wringing "If we tax them, they will leave" argument.


How do you tax citizens who take a different nationality? I seem to remember that we have just had 13 years of Labour government and they talked a lot about this but never actually did anything. That is why so many Premier League footballers (and England football managers) simply clear off on the Eurostar at every opportunity and declare themselves overseas tax payers. Start taxing them here and they sign to play for Barcelona and still don't pay UK tax.

Isn't it interesting that Monaco has zero rate income tax. This attracts the rich who spend money like water thus payin VAT and supporting the entire infrastructure.

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