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Show your opposition to the cuts - demonstrate at the Tory Party Conference

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How do you tax citizens who take a different nationality? I seem to remember that we have just had 13 years of Labour government and they talked a lot about this but never actually did anything. That is why so many Premier League footballers (and England football managers) simply clear off on the Eurostar at every opportunity and declare themselves overseas tax payers. Start taxing them here and they sign to play for Barcelona and still don't pay UK tax.

Isn't it interesting that Monaco has zero rate income tax. This attracts the rich who spend money like water thus payin VAT and supporting the entire infrastructure.


I fully agree that Labour should have tackled the problem.

If they take a different nationality, we should strip them of their UK nationality and it's our choice whether we let them back in or not.


If they want to work in Barcelona & live in Barcelona, we are not interested what they do with their money.

If they want to live here then they should be made to pay their full tax bills - their choice.


Who are you trying to fool with your comparison of Monaco?

Even with zero tax rates, I would be extremely surprised if any of the super rich wanted to move from Monaco to Sheffield.


Do you realise that, whilst you are defending the super rich, they are laughing at you because they've cleared off and left you to pick up the tab.

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  • 2 years later...
There is going to be a national demonstration in Birmingham on Sunday 3 October outside the Conservative Party Conference - come and oppose the government's public service cuts before it's too late.


A variety of Sheffield trade union branches are backing the protest. The Right to Work Campaign is arranging the protest and travel - their website has more info. Call 07986 085 162 for details about cheap travel to Birmingham from Sheffield.


your date is wrong




answer the call for your NHS


Join us at the rally in Manchester on 29 September

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