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Queen sought heating grants

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..you stole my words auto, it's highly unlikely she knew anything about it, despite the spin the media put on it.


I'm sure the Palace accountants had worked out that it would look like a cost saving to the Exchequer in their financial statements, if they could get this heating allowance.


Have to disagree here. The lady has her finger on the pulse, and she will have been PR advised about the claim too!


Maybe the hangers-on could have a whip-round.

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The state should pay for the heating and upkeep of the palace. It's not part of her personally owned real estate property but a place she lives in during her reign as monarch and it belongs to the state


Of course the government could always assign her to a humbler abode and set themselves up as the laughing stock of the rest of the world.


Obama gets his heating bills paid for by the state and the White House is just about as big as Buck House I think


Obama was elected. The USA doesn't have a monarch, are they a laughing stock? Really strange choice of words.

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