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Paul Chambers - Twitter bomb threat joke

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This is stupid beyond belief.


It is clearly jokey banter, if someone did intent to carry out a terrorist attach, would they announce it on Twitter?


If the authorities are trying to make a point that you can't joke about terrorism, then really, they're just playing right in to the real terrorists hands, and facilitating the spread of anxiety and fear in the general populous.


Ah, just saw the appeal was successful. Thank god for that!

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Hurray at last some sanity has been used and the conviction for the silly tweet about blowing up Doncater Robin Hood airport has been quashed.

Why have the authorities wasted a hugh amount of time and money on prosecuting someone stupid enough to put out put out what was obviously a silly joke.

Surely a caution would have been sufficient for something like this.

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Any body that threatens to blow an airport up deserves to be prosecuted





Just for that I'm going to blow up Heathrow.



Should I be prosecuted, or would prosecuting me be a total waste of time, effort and money?

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Paul Chambers is the poor unfortunate soul that made the joke on twitter about bombing Robin Hood airport. It was obviously a joke, but his story is a perfect example of how laws can lead the authorities, the police and the CPS into a damaging rollercoaster of "process" that creates real harm for no reason.


It was his appeal in Doncaster today.


A summary of his story can be found in today's Guardian:




But a more interesting read can be found on the Jack of Kent blog:




Jack of Kent feels this case is important, and it's easy to understand why.


The one about Joe lipari at the bottom, was hilarious.

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