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Cant find Osama, lets screw the Irish again.

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Peace be upon you. Seems that acording to todays news Islam is no longer a threat.(was it ever? ) The powers that be now tell us , The old enemy, is yet again at large. An enemy who suffered 500 years of abuse, persecution and rape. You can forget the hollocaust, you can forget Serbia you can forget the goulags . yes folks the good old I.R.A. are back in voguge. has'nt Ireland suffered enough ?. Who generates this nonsense,? perhaps some ugly Home sec with wrinkles and big neck beeds .Perhaps it would be in the public intrest for the afore mentioned ,and some of her party, to "get a life."


Very poorly put together. The last sentence in particular makes no sense at all.

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I wonder why they did that? 30 years in repayment for 500 ? may I sugest you study history or seek the help of the NGH psyciatric unit.


I'm sure that's comfort to all of those who lost limbs, lives and loved ones while those murdurous, wretched terrorists planted bombs which killed innocent people.


If you can defend the actions of the IRA then you're nothing more than a ****. A Godless, shameless ****.

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I'm sure that's comfort to all of those who lost limbs, lives and loved ones while those murdurous, wretched terrorists planted bombs which killed innocent people.


If you can defend the actions of the IRA then you're nothing more than a ****. A Godless, shameless ****.


There is no comfort for all those of every nationality who have lost limbs, lives and loved ones at the hands of murderous and wretched people, whether terrorists or the armed forces of many countries in this world.


Not many will defend the actions of the IRA, the Afghans, the British or any other nationality who have killed many innocent people over the years but only by understanding why the IRA or any other group/country feel the need to kill innocent people, will a lasting peace ever come to pass.


Would I be right in assuming that you would not be happy if the Irish came over here, killed innocent people, and ordered your family about at gunpoint


I am not taking sides or defending anyone, but pointing out that there are 2 opposing views in any situation such as this and if we are blind enough to only see one view then things will never change.


There are no winners in these situations - we are all losers and if you don't see the wrong in taking over other countries and killing their people, then you are as Godless, shameless and foolish as anyone (despite being clever enough to spell swear words in astericks).

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There is no comfort for all those of every nationality who have lost limbs, lives and loved ones at the hands of murderous and wretched people, whether terrorists or the armed forces of many countries in this world.


Not many will defend the actions of the IRA, the Afghans, the British or any other nationality who have killed many innocent people over the years but only by understanding why the IRA or any other group/country feel the need to kill innocent people, will a lasting peace ever come to pass.


Would I be right in assuming that you would not be happy if the Irish came over here, killed innocent people, and ordered your family about at gunpoint


I am not taking sides or defending anyone, but pointing out that there are 2 opposing views in any situation such as this and if we are blind enough to only see one view then things will never change.


There are no winners in these situations - we are all losers and if you don't see the wrong in taking over other countries and killing their people, then you are as Godless, shameless and foolish as anyone (despite being clever enough to spell swear words in astericks).


I think you should read Swan Vesta's response in the context of the post he was responding to, namely:


"I wonder why they did that? 30 years in repayment for 500 ? may I sugest you study history or seek the help of the NGH psyciatric unit."


which was defending the IRA and was also offensive, with its reference to the NGH psychiatric unit.

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:huh: When was it announced that there was no longer a threat of violence from Islamists? I don't recall hearing about this.



You thinking that their historical grievances are justified doesn't magically mean that everyone in the Irish Republican movement is happy with the way things are going in Northern Ireland and that none of them intend to try and use violence to change things.


get real and read what I said. I said Ireland NOT THE I R A ********.

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get real and read what I said. I said Ireland NOT THE I R A ********.

Liar/buffoon you did actually specifically mention the IRA:


"yes folks the good old I.R.A. are back in voguge."


And even if you hadn't why do you imagine that your failure to do so would have in anyway invalidated my post (which incidentally you have quoted and responded to twice now, neither time with distinction)?

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I think you should read Swan Vesta's response in the context of the post he was responding to, namely:


"I wonder why they did that? 30 years in repayment for 500 ? may I sugest you study history or seek the help of the NGH psyciatric unit."


which was defending the IRA and was also offensive, with its reference to the NGH psychiatric unit.


I did read the post from albertross, which Swan Vesta was responding to and I understood perfectly well what albertross meant.


You may see it as albertross defending the IRA - I don't see it like that at all.

I will repeat that, if we march into another country, kill innocent civilians, say it belongs to us and rule for very many years with a rod of iron, then we shouldn't be surprised when a number of them decide that they want us out and take up arms to achieve this.


We all abhor the terrible atrocities that arise in these circumstances and very few would condone them (I certainly don't) but it does lead me to believe, along with albertross, that a few history lessons would not go amiss.


I am not defending the psychiatric unit quote but would say that, if people were a little more knowledgable about the beginnings of situations such as this, they may begin to understand how and why, attitudes harden and a solution becomes harder to find.

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