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Cant find Osama, lets screw the Irish again.

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Why is everyone getting hung up and argumentative about the IRA ?


That's exactly what they want with this new terrorist threat, to take your eyes off the bigger picture, one about them being scared of their own public to the extent that the good old boogie man is back on the scene so they can shout 'He's behind you!'


This is all so they can get hard with the demonstrators, just in case one is 'out to bomb them' at the conference on Oct 3rd or when ever it is.


The IRA won't even have to get out of bed, there will be enough English people crying out for blood on that day.

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There is no comfort for all those of every nationality who have lost limbs, lives and loved ones at the hands of murderous and wretched people, whether terrorists or the armed forces of many countries in this world.


Not many will defend the actions of the IRA, the Afghans, the British or any other nationality who have killed many innocent people over the years but only by understanding why the IRA or any other group/country feel the need to kill innocent people, will a lasting peace ever come to pass.


Would I be right in assuming that you would not be happy if the Irish came over here, killed innocent people, and ordered your family about at gunpoint


I am not taking sides or defending anyone, but pointing out that there are 2 opposing views in any situation such as this and if we are blind enough to only see one view then things will never change.


There are no winners in these situations - we are all losers and if you don't see the wrong in taking over other countries and killing their people, then you are as Godless, shameless and foolish as anyone (despite being clever enough to spell swear words in astericks).


I agree whole heartedly, what most seem to be missing is what I am saying. we have to have a new enemy. Unfortunatly Dsylxsia seems to rule on this forum , unfortunatly, it seems to manifest itself intelectualy

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I did read the post from albertross, which Swan Vesta was responding to and I understood perfectly well what albertross meant.

"perfectly" Really? You understood that mangled prose perfectly? I read it a few times and so far as I can tell he:


  1. Stated that according to the news today "Islam is no longer a threat" and questioned if it ever was.
  2. Suggested that the UK government was apparently intent upon making Ireland suffer some more.
  3. Implied that a government spokesperson had stated there was an increased threat of Republican violence and denied that such a threat existed.
  4. Insulted the home secretary and other unspecified members of her party.

1 is absurd, 2 seems most unlikely, the latter half of 3 is absurd.


You may see it as albertross defending the IRA - I don't see it like that at all.

I will repeat that, if we march into another country, kill innocent civilians, say it belongs to us and rule for very many years with a rod of iron, then we shouldn't be surprised when a number of them decide that they want us out and take up arms to achieve this.


We all abhor the terrible atrocities that arise in these circumstances and very few would condone them (I certainly don't) but it does lead me to believe, along with albertross, that a few history lessons would not go amiss.


I am not defending the psychiatric unit quote but would say that, if people were a little more knowledgable about the beginnings of situations such as this, they may begin to understand how and why, attitudes harden and a solution becomes harder to find.

I'm well aware of the origins of the 'troubles' and the reasons why a portion of Republicans feel justified in attempted to murder random British civilians but the thing is albertross so far as I could understand (which unlike you is not close to "perfectly") seems to be less apologising for Republican Terrorists (though you get an idea where his sympathies lie) than denying they are any kind of threat. Now I don't know just how much of a threat they currently pose but it seems clear there certainly is a threat from Republicans unhappy with Sinn Feinn/PIRA's current actions and intent upon using political violence instead.

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Seems that acording to todays news Islam is no longer a threat.


seems you don't read the news properly. The specific 'Irish' threat has been raised from 'moderate' to 'substantial'. The threat from 'international' terrorism remains at severe, meaning an attack is highly likely.


there's not some sort of trade off between Irish nationalist and Animal Liberation terrorist and International or Islam-inspired terrorist threats. Just because one gets more or less likely, doesn't necessarily mean that another one does too.

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I did read the post from albertross, which Swan Vesta was responding to and I understood perfectly well what albertross meant.


You may see it as albertross defending the IRA - I don't see it like that at all.

I will repeat that, if we march into another country, kill innocent civilians, say it belongs to us and rule for very many years with a rod of iron, then we shouldn't be surprised when a number of them decide that they want us out and take up arms to achieve this.


We all abhor the terrible atrocities that arise in these circumstances and very few would condone them (I certainly don't) but it does lead me to believe, along with albertross, that a few history lessons would not go amiss.


I am not defending the psychiatric unit quote but would say that, if people were a little more knowledgable about the beginnings of situations such as this, they may begin to understand how and why, attitudes harden and a solution becomes harder to find.


We'll have to agree to differ about albertross's view of the IRA.


I'm afraid that no matter how knowledgeable I might have been about Irish history, I still wouldn't have been able to understand how that justified the IRA in killing innocent people and terrorising thousands.


Understanding their motives would not have made me any happier about the fact that the place where I worked kept being evacuated because of bomb threats, or that everybody automatically seemed to check for any suspicious packages when out or shopping, or the expression on my fireman neighbour's face when he got back from dealing with the aftermath of the pub bombings.


I simply cannot condone terrorist action - whoever is responsible for it or whatever their reasons.

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We'll have to agree to differ about albertross's view of the IRA.


I'm afraid that no matter how knowledgeable I might have been about Irish history, I still wouldn't have been able to understand how that justified the IRA in killing innocent people and terrorising thousands.


Understanding their motives would not have made me any happier about the fact that the place where I worked kept being evacuated because of bomb threats, or that everybody automatically seemed to check for any suspicious packages when out or shopping, or the expression on my fireman neighbour's face when he got back from dealing with the aftermath of the pub bombings.


I simply cannot condone terrorist action - whoever is responsible for it or whatever their reasons.


I fully agree with you and stated so in my last post - the one to which you replied.

I don't know whether it's ever going to be possible to create a lasting peace in Northern Ireland (I think not) but I do know that, until we alter our policy of taking over other countries which don't belong to us (too numerous to mention) or interfering in other countries political affairs (Iraq & Afghanistan), then we are always going to make ourselves a target for terrorists.

We should also remember that, the people we see as terrorists, are not seen by themselves as such - they believe they are freedom fighters.

These problems will not be overcome by outraged anger, no matter how justified it seems, but by facing up to unpalatable truths and examining our own behaviour.

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"perfectly" Really? You understood that mangled prose perfectly? I read it a few times and so far as I can tell he:


  1. Stated that according to the news today "Islam is no longer a threat" and questioned if it ever was.
  2. Suggested that the UK government was apparently intent upon making Ireland suffer some more.
  3. Implied that a government spokesperson had stated there was an increased threat of Republican violence and denied that such a threat existed.
  4. Insulted the home secretary and other unspecified members of her party.

1 is absurd, 2 seems most unlikely, the latter half of 3 is absurd.



I'm well aware of the origins of the 'troubles' and the reasons why a portion of Republicans feel justified in attempted to murder random British civilians but the thing is albertross so far as I could understand (which unlike you is not close to "perfectly") seems to be less apologising for Republican Terrorists (though you get an idea where his sympathies lie) than denying they are any kind of threat. Now I don't know just how much of a threat they currently pose but it seems clear there certainly is a threat from Republicans unhappy with Sinn Feinn/PIRA's current actions and intent upon using political violence instead.


As with Dozy, you and I must agree to differ because we seem to read different things from albertross's post.


I have no problem with his insulting the Home Secretary because I often harbour insulting thoughts about the majority of MP's in Westminster.


I agree that there seems to be a substantial threat from Republicans and consider this to be far more important than whether albertross's post is easily understandable or not, or where his sympathies lie.


We are all entitled to our personal view (mine is a pacifist and belief in compromise view - which unfortunately, doesn't seem to work) but the truly worrying aspect of all this is that no one can think of any kind of a solution which would please all sides.

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Terrorists, whether fenian or islamic, should be killed imediately once identified.


End of chat.


We have no need to parlay with the mohameden terrorist animals and post Good Friday Agreements we have no need to see any fenian terrorist as anything other than scum seeking to cause problems for us and our Irish friends.


Once identified, eliminate.

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Terrorists, whether fenian or islamic, should be killed imediately once identified.


End of chat.


We have no need to parlay with the mohameden terrorist animals and post Good Friday Agreements we have no need to see any fenian terrorist as anything other than scum seeking to cause problems for us and our Irish friends.


Once identified, eliminate.


Oooooooooooh - that'll frighten 'em :D

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