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X-BOX live - should I be worried?

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i play on Live, and from my experience id say:


- make sure theres no mention of his age or personal details on his Live gamer card.

- discourage mic use. theres some absolute idiots out there, really nasty types who arent afraid of homophobic and racial abuse. i heard one guy get told to 'listen to the voices and end it' after he admitted he was schizophrenic.

the worst culprit for this is modern warfare 2 - whereas with halo or battlefield, no-one talks.

- iv never in 3 years online heard anyone trying to groom or talk to younger players. though if this happens make sure he files a complaint or 'avoid player'. these options can be found when you click on that persons gamercard.

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All I'd say is if you buy him 18+ rated games expect to have him exposed to a great deal of swearing! Doubt that you would but it's amazing how many little (and by little I mean clearly boys who's voices haven't broken) kids you get playing games which are certainly not suitable.


I've been gaming on Live for 7 years and apart from the odd expletive it's really nothing to worry about.

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Rubbish. He/She can take the headphones off the kid and get rid if them . its as simple as that .


No headphones = no talking with people on Xbox .......... simples .


That only stops him from communicating on the Xbox. It's flatly impossible to stop him communicating with people outside of her knowledge, unless she keeps him locked in the house 24 hours a day.

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You can set the gamer zone on his account to family, that way when he links up with randomers there shouldn't be any swearing/abusive talk/over competitiveness etc. Any swearing and the like should be reported and repeat offenders will face a ban.


Plenty of info here, just do a search on xbox.co.uk for more http://support.microsoft.com/kb/907697?sd=xbox


It's not inherently dangerous to chat to a stranger. I'm on Live and haven't come across any weirdos really, just swearing and like I say if you're in family gamer zone you shouldn't get that.


He'll be fine, I'm sure the overwhelming majority of children are quite capable of looking out for themselves, I mean we all made it through ok didn't we :D

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That only stops him from communicating on the Xbox. It's flatly impossible to stop him communicating with people outside of her knowledge, unless she keeps him locked in the house 24 hours a day.


And under surveilance:)

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Rubbish. He/She can take the headphones off the kid and get rid if them . its as simple as that .


No headphones = no talking with people on Xbox .......... simples .


Of course, you are absolutely right.


And there I was thinking that the OP's kid might use Bebo/Facebook/Msn/Mobile Phones/Letters/email/semaphore/carrier pigeon/telegram to communicate. I'd quite forgotten that taking headphones away negated all of that.


Thanks for reminding me:roll:

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Your child is 13!! get him a tv for his bedroom and let him play on his xbox in there without you looking over his shoulder 24/7. All of his friends from school will be on xbox live and its a great way for him to make better friends with them all. There is a lot of swearing etc but at the age of 13 you child will hear all of that at school anyway.


Your not helping your childs social life one bit, im sure almost ALL of his friends from school have tv's in their bedroom and they dont have to run everything past their mums before they can do it. Let him have some freedom and he will enjoy life alot more. Im sure you dont want your child to be the one at school who everyone knows isnt aloud to have a tv in his room so his mum knows what hes watching and isnt alout xbox live because he'll be talking to strangers.


I know all this might sound harsh but its just a reality check, he's your son and hes not that old yet but hes a teenager and needs you to allow him to grow up insted of holding him back.

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Doesn't only the paid version of XBOX Live (Gold)? allow chat? Just get the free silver level membership (which Gold drops down to after a month or so if you don't pay for it)


But then he can't play online......

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