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Cat poo on the garden

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My cat has a large litter tray for night time (she's not allowed out after 6).

I also have a section of my garden made for her to go to the loo, very easy to make and she does use it, being a lazy bugger she doesn't wander far.


I do also get cat-poo from other cats in my garden and yes it is annoying, especially when they do it next to my plants.

I have started putting rose bush clipping around my plants.



I also have a neighbour who throws his dogs muck over onto my lawn rather than bin it, came back from a weekend away and it was all over the new trampoline i had bought for my grandson.


What annoys me more is why anyone has a pet cat or dog just to leave it to roam around the place at all hours and in all weathers. If people can't look after their pets give them to the those who can find decent homes for them.


Mind, having said all that, as much as i hate doing it, I would rather clean up animal mess than the rubbish left lying around by humans. We are the dirtiest animals on the planet after all.

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I also have a neighbour who throws his dogs muck over onto my lawn rather than bin it, came back from a weekend away and it was all over the new trampoline i had bought for my grandson.


That is gross, you should be able to take some kind of action agaisnt him.

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no it isn't. and as for dogs not pooing in other peoples gardens, quite right they don't. most of em s*** on the footpath outside somebodies house. I have two cats and a litter tray and my cats seldom venture out of my garden and in the 16 years I had my dog I always cleaned up after him. but I still say according to readers digest law on cats, they are allowed to roam.


But you have to pick dog muck up don't you?


Cats should not be allowed to roam.

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I also have a neighbour who throws his dogs muck over onto my lawn rather than bin it, came back from a weekend away and it was all over the new trampoline i had bought for my grandson.


I would go straight round to your neighbours house & post every lump through his letter box if I were you!

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I really cannot understand how this is supposed to work. A cat craps in your garden, you know that it can cause serious health problems to your children, but you are supposed to ignore it and allow your child to become brain damaged to appease cat owners?...is that how it is supposed to work?


I'm not excusing animal owners at all, just saying that cruelty to animals is not the answer.


I have both cats and a dog and my cat litter and poo bag bill can be quite impressive some weeks. Some of my cats do go outside, but they are in for the majority of the time including overnight every night. One hasn't been outside in years though, so I'm sure that she's not part of your problem.

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I really cannot understand how this is supposed to work. A cat craps in your garden, you know that it can cause serious health problems to your children, but you are supposed to ignore it and allow your child to become brain damaged to appease cat owners?...is that how it is supposed to work?


Dramatic much?

If cat poo was that serious to humans, then there would be a law against cats pooing outside.

I have cats,they have litter trays and a space in my garden to poo in. I'm not stupid they will go and poo in other people's gardens and if someone knocked on my door and informed me, I would happily clean it up.

A dog has done a fantastic turd at the top of my path that I've had to clean up, so it's swings and round-abouts really.

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I also have a neighbour who throws his dogs muck over onto my lawn rather than bin it, came back from a weekend away and it was all over the new trampoline i had bought for my grandson.


I would go straight round to your neighbours house & post every lump through his letter box if I were you!


If my neighbour cobbed cat turds on my kids trampoline I would make him eat it.

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