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Moving to the usa !!


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As people have suggested this wont be easy unless you already have a job lined up. If you dont then there are ways but they generally dont work I'm afraid...


Anyway what you are looking at is two seperate issues (I dont know which is relevant to you)


1) Just to work there you will indeed need a permit. These are very difficult to obtain unless your employer sponsors you (even then there can be issues). Basically to sponsor you they need to prove that you a foreigner can do the job and that a native US person cant. (There are exceptions to this). Unfortunately most employers are unwilling to get involved with the incredible hassle involved in doing this. Basically you would need to be an exceptional candidate.


There is I believe a major exemption to this if you personally have a sufficient income (the figure is set very high).


2) To become a US citizen or gain permanent leave to reside there is even harder. Effectively you need to marry a US citizen.


This all assumes you and anyone else involved is a British citizen. Sorry to be so negative...

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Thanks for the response. I work for a worldwide company who are also large in the US so sponsorship / transfer is something I will be looking at and whether it is a possibility. Other than that as you all say it does sound very difficult to get in.

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Thanks for the response. I work for a worldwide company who are also large in the US so sponsorship / transfer is something I will be looking at and whether it is a possibility. Other than that as you all say it does sound very difficult to get in.


Ah in which case you stand a chance. I wont try and get your hopes up but if you can get work on board then it suddenly becomes more realistic. Basically you will find that it hinges on them.


As to property (you asked in your original question) certainly until a few years ago the cost of buying property (like for like) was cheaper in the US - though like in Britain there are cheap and expensive (e.g. New York) areas. Cant help regarding renting and my property based knowledge is a few years out of date.


Hope all goes well.

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I live in Florida and I can tell you that a green card is very difficult to obtain. I married an American so it was easy for me but for you almost impossible unless you can get a work permit through your company. I think there may be an alternative if you can get a business partner to sponsor you.


I don't advise anybody to move here, I'm planning to move back to the U.K. due mainly to the awful health system here but there are other factors. Visitors come to the USA but don't realise the many drawbacks compared to Europe, there's no safety net, you're on your own so be very careful what you wish for. If I can help please leave a message.

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