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Moving to the usa !!


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I live in Florida and I can tell you that a green card is very difficult to obtain. I married an American so it was easy for me but for you almost impossible unless you can get a work permit through your company. I think there may be an alternative if you can get a business partner to sponsor you.


I don't advise anybody to move here, I'm planning to move back to the U.K. due mainly to the awful health system here but there are other factors. Visitors come to the USA but don't realise the many drawbacks compared to Europe, there's no safety net, you're on your own so be very careful what you wish for. If I can help please leave a message.


What safety net ? do you mean a benefit system like in the UK ?

Health system. don't you read the papers :confused:


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Thanks for the response. I work for a worldwide company who are also large in the US so sponsorship / transfer is something I will be looking at and whether it is a possibility. Other than that as you all say it does sound very difficult to get in.


Your company is also large in Canada which is a much better choice #1 its a much better Place to live, the housing apart from two or three city's is very reasonable,and most important we take in any old rough, why the terrorists flock here in their thousands and the refuges just pour off the the boat with a card "were is the welfare office":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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we are thinking of moving to the states has anyone done this, or has advise on how best to get over there, jobs, visas, permits, propety ??



if you are young, you can get a holiday work visa that lets you work there for 6 months. a lot of the property over there are in the form of apartment complexes where they have a full time manager, and you can just show up at the office and then you can ask to view a flat. i think it's better than the british system, where you have to make an appointment with an estate agent, and the managers in america dont seem to work off commission. it is kind of hard to get a visa there, but i have heard that people got visas as nannies.

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Poppins, No I don't read the papers I make up my mind from personal experience. Canada is a better choice, I've just got back from New Brunswick, from what I've seen Canadians tend to help each other more and for a country so vast with a small population they achieve a much higher standard of living than the USA.

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I don't know the details, but an aquaintance went to live in Chicago for two years, took his wife and children and rented his house here until he (recently) returned. He works for one of the big British banks and is an expert in, I think, computer programming.

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Poppins, No I don't read the papers I make up my mind from personal experience. Canada is a better choice, I've just got back from New Brunswick, from what I've seen Canadians tend to help each other more and for a country so vast with a small population they achieve a much higher standard of living than the USA.


I've never lived in the US so I can't speak with authority. But, whenever we travel down there we load ourselves up with health insurance coverage as medical services are very expensive there. Canada has a public health service much like in the UK, except there's no private system at all. Funny, but the older you get, the more important medical coverage is to you. That said, very good friends of ours have lived and worked in the US for many yrs and love it.

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In order to be covered for health in the USA you have to be covered through your employment. In Canada, as you well know, they have a government run health system but everybody pays towards medication regardless of age, unlike the U.K. where the over 65s get it free.


The Republcans blocked Obama's health plan and is now a watered down version of Canada's except it is still controlled by the insurance companies. I can get part B for $150 a month but if I get sick I still have to pay towards the hospital or surgeons bills, it's called co-pay.


Even if you're young and can get established with a company if that company goes bust and you can't get another job, a problem many Americans suffer from today.

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Yes, I understand wasalie. On a recent trip to the States, I broke my glasses and since I wasn't able to drive home without them, I had to see an opthalmologist to get some emergency disposable contact lenses. The lenses were free but the eye exam cost me $235. That same exam in Canada costs $60. Not a big deal financially, but the scale up was quadruple. Imagine if I'd needed surgery down there. People in Canada, like in the UK, complain abt our public health system. But, I wouldn't change it. Anyhow, to return to the theme of the thread, the OP wanted to know abt moving to the US and one of the factors to take into consideration would be the health system which as Michael Moore's movie showed is really run by the insurance companies. Insurance companies are there to make a profit. Everyone will have their own opinion as to whether that's a good motive for running a health care system but I know where I stand on it.





In order to be covered for health in the USA you have to be covered through your employment. In Canada, as you well know, they have a government run health system but everybody pays towards medication regardless of age, unlike the U.K. where the over 65s get it free.


The Republcans blocked Obama's health plan and is now a watered down version of Canada's except it is still controlled by the insurance companies. I can get part B for $150 a month but if I get sick I still have to pay towards the hospital or surgeons bills, it's called co-pay.


Even if you're young and can get established with a company if that company goes bust and you can't get another job, a problem many Americans suffer from today.

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