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Angry at schools dictatorship/need advice.


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Which is what I shall be doing tomorrow, as my son has a dreadful cough. We have to leave a note for the teacher in their school planner, apparently.


If this school is the one that I think it is, it states on the website that it provides pupils with appropriate attire (in the event that they don't have it) from goodwill, could they not have done this with the PE top in this instance? It seems brutal to punish the child and exclude them, all because of a missing school logo - I mean he had the top and the right colour just sans logo.


Rules are rules.

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This thread is bizarre, talk of human rights, fairness, the police and Hitler.


I have not seen the OP say they were forced to send their child to the school therefore can we agree it is the OP's choice? If so then having done research and made that choice you abide by the rules, no ifs or buts. Inevitably a child turning up incorrectly dressed will be punished. Do we expect teachers to shrug their shoulders? This is a school not a fun park. But that's not fair on the child? Life isn't fair. A child has to learn that there are rules and consequences. All these phone calls and discussions with school staff over a tenner. Now unless the OP is a pauper there is no issue. And lets face it even paupers find a tenner for fags.


In my seemingly outdated opinion (I was an 80's schoolkid not Tom Browns Schooldays) if the OP does not like the school then the child should be sent elsewhere other than this 'draconian' Hitlerite establishment. I mean they are only educating the child and are not some evil corporation. So they want a tenner to make the child instantly identifiable and maybe promote esprit d'corps, so what? Like others on here I am guessing the cash goes to a good educational cause in which case what if others question why one child benefits from a pot into which their parents have not paid? I notice that when a Muslim kid, usually at the behest of a parent defies school uniform rules there is no sympathy. Quite right too but rules govern all.

One final point others have wisely touched on, the chief aim of a kid in school is to fit in, not to have 'prinicpled' 'modern' parents forcing them to stand out. For all the talk of being forced it is the child here who is forced to be different.

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Why should the school not have a monopoly? It is a school product not a Kit Kat. For the max of a tenner the saving on a cheaper version would be what? 2 or 3 quid, is this not a bit pathetic? If it funds school trips then that is a good thing, if it funds champagne and caviar then no but which is it more likely to be? I wonder whether the child appreciates the OP's stand. If my parents had forced me to attend in non reg clothes that put a spotlight on me I'd have been mortified. My empathy would lead me to not want to embarass my kid.

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My son was not feeling well and asked not to participate in PE last week, he didn't take his kit and received a detention, despite me advising if there was an issue to call me.


The teachers response was he had no intention of calling me.


What happened to a note? I see expectations have now mutated to the point where a parent expects a PE teacher to find time to walk off and make a phone call. What if 5 or 10 parents are expecting a call? Have no lunch break in order to call various parents?


The centre of gravity in a school is the school, its staff and the discipline they enforce not multiple individualistic ideas from multiple mixed opinions. If I had turned up minus kit and asked my PE teacher to ring my mum I'd have been howled down with laughter from the kids and a burning from the teacher. Then I went to school in the 'olden days' of the late 80's it seems.

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I have been there already but the stall holder says that that the school my son goes to is the only school who will not allow their logo to be used.

Thats what gets me so angry about it :(

Snap, our school has logo's now and guess what... the only people you can get them off is the school.


They are using the uniform loop hole to drag in revenue and its wrong.


You should be able to make a complaint to the Governors or the local authority but I doubt they will give a stuff.


If you start a campaign for them to have better legislation about schools and uniform you can count on me to sign a petition or join in any keep your kids off school day as way of protest.


They get right on my <REMOVED> these heads that run schools like 1930's Germany.

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Afraid not as we are not living in 1930's Germany. I'm sure the veterans of the era would appreciate your comparison.


Seriously can I ask the simple question? If a parent does not like their kids school why not send the kid elsewhere? Why should the institution bend to the will of minority individuals?

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You do know that school attendance is compulsory?


No it's not.


However, an education is (hence the term "home education").


then they cannot stop anybody reproducing it


Of course they can. The design is covered by copyright law, not trademark. However, as the LEA/school would be the owners, it's just profiteering if the LEA/other schools use their logos.:mad:


i am just so mad that they can do this.


Fair enough.


Why not...


1) Get the head to put in writing that the only supplier of the shirt is the school.

2) Get the head to put in writing that your child will receive detention for not having the correct shirt.

3) Report the school to the Office of Fair Trading:D.

4) Sit back and wait for the proverbial to hit the fan.


The legal right to give permission for use of the logo is at the behest of those who own the copyright which would be the school.


Or the LEA (as it is a state school).

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