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Angry at schools dictatorship/need advice.


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It has to be taken into consideration that the school will have had to pay for the logo to be designed and therefore hold the copyright.

In this case no one else can use it without the copyright holders permission.

I would think the school has worked out the price taking all things into consideration.

As I have said before I think the correct course of action would have been to purchase a shirt for your child and then question the school regarding their policy and pricing.

Unfortunately because of the way you have proceeded you have involved your child in your argument and I am sure other pupils, parents and staff will have read the comments on here.

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Do you ever manage a post without resorting to insults and your liberal usage of the word 'thick'?


It's hard not to when posters are so bloody stupid.

Hell's bells. I'm teaching my kid to do as they like and ignore rules where they don't fancy following but expect him/her to be a good member of society.

derrrrrr :loopy:

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Indeed they may, that is their choice and the school uniform is all part of the package, state education is an option for everyone, a private one isn't.


And don't make assumptions about whom I voted for, although what that has to do with anything, I have no idea.


The reality is rather different. If you live in say Manor, but would like to go to Silverdale, then you have no chance whatsoever, nil, zilch, nada. However, if your child is clever, or perhaps have some talent such as being very musical, then they have numerous chances to win scholarships to private schools both in Sheffield and even some of the best boarding schools in the land.


Similarly, you can send your child to the nearest state school without any real thought about their future, and still spend vast amounts on buying them whatever trainers, video games, cars, etc they demand.


I know of one boarding school which has a "thrift shop" where parents can buy not only second hand uniform and sports kit, but also everyday clothes.

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Don't even go there mate.

I have taught my kids to be individual, to think for themselves and to question everything.


You are part of what is wrong with society today, why should i or anyone else keep quiet about things which some people would just let go for fear of standing out from the "norm"


I think you are well suited to the country you chose to live in.


Ps. near sighted......pot ......kettle.....black!


Crap. There are times where thinking is a good thing and times when it's bad news. In refusing school rules you are undermining the authority of the school.

Your kid will grew to understand it's OK to ignore the rules if they don't like them and do as they please.

Smoking is banned in school as well. What if your kid was caught with a fag in the bogs? Is that rule to be enforced because you think it's good?

Will your kid be confused if you slap him because you teach him to think for himself but, when he tries, you tell him it's wrong?

Sometimes an institution needs rule that are followed to keep order.

If some liberal minded dole scrounger decided it's OK to ignore them, the school and kids will suffer.

kids in my school follow the rules and there are no real problems.

If they don't want to follow the rules, they are free to leave the school so the rest can learn.

Didn't I mention? that's what schools are for.

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My son recently started a new school and was given a list of things he would need.

Amongst this list was a T-Shirt with the school logo embroided on it for P E.

This Tshirt is a plain blue one which could be picked up from any market place, the only difference is it has a logo embroided onto it.


I sent him to school with a plain one without the logo as i thought it was a bit extorionate to pay a tenner for a logo.


My son has since been given detention for not having the school one.

I asked them if i could pick the t shirt up anywhere else at a cheaper price (sometimes market stalls sell school logos at a far cheaper cost) to be told no, it had to be bought from school and there was no where else i could get it from.


I refused to pay the ten pound partly because i thought it was a rip off and partly because of the sheer unfairness of it.


I have now been told that if my son does not have the logo on his shirt then he will be given detention everytime he does P E.


I hate being dictatored too and find it hard to believe that they can get away with this, i still hav'nt bought one because i am stubborn but now feel like the crappest parent on the planet because he will be punished.


I know it may not seem like the most important thing on the earth and you may think i am being picky or fussy but this has really pee'd me off.

There whole attitude was a bit arrogant and hitler style.


So, should i swallow my pride and buy the damn thing for the sake of a quiet life or do i carry on refusing to make a stand for what I think is right?



buy one mate with the correct logo...then take it to crystal peaks and then banged them out at £7.50 a throw...everyones a winner....happy days

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