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Angry at schools dictatorship/need advice.


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The reality is rather different. If you live in say Manor, but would like to go to Silverdale, then you have no chance whatsoever, nil, zilch, nada. However, if your child is clever, or perhaps have some talent such as being very musical, then they have numerous chances to win scholarships to private schools both in Sheffield and even some of the best boarding schools in the land.


Similarly, you can send your child to the nearest state school without any real thought about their future, and still spend vast amounts on buying them whatever trainers, video games, cars, etc they demand.


I know of one boarding school which has a "thrift shop" where parents can buy not only second hand uniform and sports kit, but also everyday clothes.

I'm not disagreeing with you and alluded to this so called notion of parental choice in another post on this thread, as you say in reality there is little choice of school but a choice nonetheless to a state education.


If people of average or below average means are able to get their offspring into the private education sector, then of course there are grants and financial assistance to help them. However, the vast majority of fee paying parents can afford it. The value many schools in the independent sector place on their image is evidenced by some of the uniforms that you see which immediately sets them apart from those in state schools. I'll take the most elitist, Eton - I mean what is that uniform all about?

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As long as it's not imposed on your boy' date=' eh H2M?[/quote']You have pulled my post, now go read it.


What has that got to do with discipline ?


It was a stupid point to bring up, the school was stupid in its judgement and that was what my post was about. Now I stand by that post and it bears no relevance to what I think of 'discipline', show me where being un fare to students is discipline.


This is the exact same point where schools are getting it wrong and then standing by the policy with a iron fist. Daft you should drag that up :loopy:

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Do we have a glossary of what the mods consider to be swearing? I went out this morning having read a post of norks which contained two words in common parlance. Now they're <REMOVED> due to swearing which makes the post look a lot worse than it was. I can't even see where the removed words constitute swear words. I must be a foul-mouthed get ... :huh:



*hopes that 'get' isn't considered swearing :o

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Do we have a glossary of what the mods consider to be swearing? I went out this morning having read a post of norks which contained two words in common parlance. Now they're <REMOVED> due to swearing which makes the post look a lot worse than it was. I can't even see where the removed words constitute swear words. I must be a foul-mouthed get ... :huh:



*hopes that 'get' isn't considered swearing :o


It's hard not to retaliate to upinwath's insults where he wades into a thread and immediately starts firing off and accusing people of being thick.

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Crap. There are times where thinking is a good thing and times when it's bad news. In refusing school rules you are undermining the authority of the school.

Your kid will grew to understand it's OK to ignore the rules if they don't like them and do as they please.

Smoking is banned in school as well. What if your kid was caught with a fag in the bogs? Is that rule to be enforced because you think it's good?

Will your kid be confused if you slap him because you teach him to think for himself but, when he tries, you tell him it's wrong?

Sometimes an institution needs rule that are followed to keep order.

If some liberal minded dole scrounger decided it's OK to ignore them, the school and kids will suffer.

kids in my school follow the rules and there are no real problems.

If they don't want to follow the rules, they are free to leave the school so the rest can learn.

Didn't I mention? that's what schools are for.

your approach is flawed, you don't want your kids to grow up blindly obeying things that are fundamentally unfair or wrong.

This is not as simple as your making out, its not just about being against rules for the sake of it, its abut the actual rules being created to be biased and exclusionary. If you want your kids to be puppets then that's fine its your choice but some parents want there kids have a brain that is not stuck in the confines of bureaucracy and they are able to be free thinkers. Many a person that's driven this country forward have been this way, that's how this country has been so successful with people like this, can you say the same about that backwards neck of the woods in the world that you ramble about every other topic ?


Its the principle of the thing, rules are wrong so they are right to question them, they do nothing to promote fairness and nothing about the free market.


I think its you that's THICK my friend and your going to bring up thick kids that can't think for themselves if your not careful. Mind you the next time we need some one on the front line in Iran or somewhere a least we know where to call.

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sorry but the t shirt belongs to the lad...he bought it.....and probably the guy in crystal peaks does that school...everyones a winner..


I think the situation will be the same as copying a photograph when the copyright is owned by the photographer.

You buy a copy (or shirt ) and you own that 1 item and do not have the right to copy it unless the copyright owner gives permission.

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