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Angry at schools dictatorship/need advice.


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I think the situation will be the same as copying a photograph when the copyright is owned by the photographer.

You buy a copy (or shirt ) and you own that 1 item and do not have the right to copy it unless the copyright owner gives permission.



the kid aint copying it....somebody else is....would you be able to spot the difference.....i would not

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the kid aint copying it....somebody else is....would you be able to spot the difference.....i would not

The person would have to give an assurance to the printer that they were the copyright holder or had been given permission from the copyright holder to have it copied.

The printer would want this so there was no come back on him and it would be the requester who had caused the law to be breached.

I am sure the school would soon find out if this was happening and take appropriate action.

Is it worth it for a few pounds ?

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The person would have to give an assurance to the printer that they were the copyright holder or had been given permission from the copyright holder to have it copied.

The printer would want this so there was no come back on him and it would be the requester who had caused the law to be breached.

I am sure the school would soon find out if this was happening and take appropriate action.

Is it worth it for a few pounds ?



a mate of mine used some old photos from his programmes...had them enlarged and framed...not once was he asked about copyright....then sold them on...

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your approach is flawed, you don't want your kids to grow up blindly obeying things that are fundamentally unfair or wrong.

This is not as simple as your making out, its not just about being against rules for the sake of it, its abut the actual rules being created to be biased and exclusionary. If you want your kids to be puppets then that's fine its your choice but some parents want there kids have a brain that is not stuck in the confines of bureaucracy and they are able to be free thinkers. Many a person that's driven this country forward have been this way, that's how this country has been so successful with people like this, can you say the same about that backwards neck of the woods in the world that you ramble about every other topic ?


Its the principle of the thing, rules are wrong so they are right to question them, they do nothing to promote fairness and nothing about the free market.


I think its you that's THICK my friend and your going to bring up thick kids that can't think for themselves if your not careful. Mind you the next time we need some one on the front line in Iran or somewhere a least we know where to call.


On a slightly related theme about 'school rules' the rule at my kids' schools is not to fight back is some bully sets upon you. This is nonsense as far as I'm concerned and we have told our kids to disregard it and if some thug starts on them that the only way to put a stop to it and not be a target for the rest of their school life by the bullies is to the thump them back. The chances are if they stand up to someone they will leave them alone. If the school chooses to punish either of my kids for sticking up for themselves then I would be up there in a shot and have done so in the past, where they relented when I told them on no uncertain terms would I have my son chastised for defending himself from the scrote who attacked him.


I think it quite right that children should be brought up to question things and not be sheep. However, whilst I totally understand why the OP has an issue with the school in this instance, personally, I would not allow my kid to be caught in the crossfire, however, this has been remedied.

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a mate of mine used some old photos from his programmes...had them enlarged and framed...not once was he asked about copyright....then sold them on...

Like everything in life sometimes people bother and other times they don't.

I think after the contraversary in this case the school may wish to make an example if an unauthorised copy was made.

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You want to go to Tapton pal. Dress code says black shoes/ trainers. Well my son had a new pair of Adidas trainers, very smart all BLACK as spec. but white soles meant he was breaching code. and was threatened with exclusion and detension. Another £30 later black none brands alls well. Yet children from a number of minorities seam to be able to wear owt, orange sneakers the list goes on. I saw this when I went in to school to take my son his homework which he forgot. Equal rights for white soles please not positive discrimination.

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your approach is flawed, you don't want your kids to grow up blindly obeying things that are fundamentally unfair or wrong.



Wrong in your opinion.

Schooling up to the age of 16 is about getting basics and facts into the kids.

The real learning starts later. It's great if the kids have the ability to question why things are done but they neither have the experience or ability to work everything out for themselves at that age.

Things tend to be thought out with selfish intent rather than the best in mind.

Sadly some parents do the same.

You are displaying that narrow minded self centred view of things here.


Once the authority of the school is lost in one matter, it's gone in the lot. You are teaching your kid to fight against things because he doesn't like it rather than thinking out the greater implications of your actions.


That makes you wrong. If you don't like the policies of the school you have choices.

Ask the other parents if they agree with you.

If there are a lot that hold your opinions, arrange a meeting with the school.

If not, shut up and/or remove your child from the place.


O course if you force a change in school rules and the kids know, that's going to lead to other revolts. Homework is unfair and so on.


It all boils down to the simple. Do you want the school to do their job?

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Yet children from a number of minorities seam to be able to wear owt, orange sneakers the list goes on. I saw this when I went in to school to take my son his homework which he forgot. Equal rights for white soles please not positive discrimination.


How do you know only minorities were disregarding the uniform policy? Did you see all of the minority kids in the school and all the white pupils? When my (mixed race) son was a pupil there he wore the uniform, I don't recall him receiving any dispensation because of his skin colour.

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