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Angry at schools dictatorship/need advice.


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Wrong in your opinion.

Schooling up to the age of 16 is about getting basics and facts into the kids.

The real learning starts later. It's great if the kids have the ability to question why things are done but they neither have the experience or ability to work everything out for themselves at that age.

Things tend to be thought out with selfish intent rather than the best in mind.

Sadly some parents do the same.

You are displaying that narrow minded self centred view of things here.


Once the authority of the school is lost in one matter, it's gone in the lot. You are teaching your kid to fight against things because he doesn't like it rather than thinking out the greater implications of your actions.


That makes you wrong. If you don't like the policies of the school you have choices.

Ask the other parents if they agree with you.

If there are a lot that hold your opinions, arrange a meeting with the school.

If not, shut up and/or remove your child from the place.


O course if you force a change in school rules and the kids know, that's going to lead to other revolts. Homework is unfair and so on.


It all boils down to the simple. Do you want the school to do their job?



Listen up!

You obviously think you have the secret and key to unlocking everything that is wrng with the world and thats great but go and shove it down someone elses throat.

you obvioulsy seem to to know everything about kids as well including mine which is well out of town.

How dare you say that i am doing this with selfish intent, what do you know about me or my child?

would it surprise you to know that he has above average intelligence and is highly articulate?

He knows what is right from wrong and damn right i will teach him to challenge something he does not like.

It is not about revoting against the school, it is about standing up and having his voice heard and my money would be on the underdog EVERYTIME.


I will give you an example...


A few months ago whislt he was out playing with his mates one of the kids fathers stormed up to the group and started having a go at one of them about an incident which had happened in school early that day. My son knew that the father was targeting his agression towards the wrong child so politely said.


"Excuse me Sir, but what you are saying is wrong i was there and X kid started on Y kid and etc etc etc"


The guy told my son to "Shut his face" and asked who is dad was so he could come round and tell him what a "<REMOVED>" he had a got for a son.

my son replied by telling him that his father had died some years before and it was just him and his mother to which the guy replied.

" Well i am glad your dad is dead, you <REMOVED> dont deserve a dad and he would be ashamed of you"

This reduced my son to tears and hurt him deeply but rather than just forget about it or back mouth the bloke, he waited until he had said what he had to say and left. He gathered his thoughts the knocked on the door of this bloke and asked for an apology because he DID NOT LIKE what the guy had said.



So should he have just taken that kind of abuse?

Was he right to question the mans actions and ask for an apology?

I think in your eyes he should have just taken it and kept his mouth shut because he is just a kid who has no voice and o rights, well let me tell you this pal...in my house things are run different and if you do not like something you question it EVERY DAMN TIME and you keep questioning it until you get a suitible answer.

At least i know that both my boys will grow knowing they have rights and knowing they have the freedom to question ANYTHING.


You keep breeding silence into your kids and then sit back and watch as people walk all over them because they have never been taught to fight for what they believe in. Just leave me to raise mine they way I see fit :rant:

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Listen up!

You obviously think you have the secret and key to unlocking everything that is wrng with the world and thats great but go and shove it down someone elses throat.

you obvioulsy seem to to know everything about kids as well including mine which is well out of town.

How dare you say that i am doing this with selfish intent, what do you know about me or my child?

would it surprise you to know that he has above average intelligence and is highly articulate?

He knows what is right from wrong and damn right i will teach him to challenge something he does not like.

It is not about revoting against the school, it is about standing up and having his voice heard and my money would be on the underdog EVERYTIME.


I will give you an example...


A few months ago whislt he was out playing with his mates one of the kids fathers stormed up to the group and started having a go at one of them about an incident which had happened in school early that day. My son knew that the father was targeting his agression towards the wrong child so politely said.


"Excuse me Sir, but what you are saying is wrong i was there and X kid started on Y kid and etc etc etc"


The guy told my son to "Shut his face" and asked who is dad was so he could come round and tell him what a "<REMOVED>" he had a got for a son.

my son replied by telling him that his father had died some years before and it was just him and his mother to which the guy replied.

" Well i am glad your dad is dead, you <REMOVED> dont deserve a dad and he would be ashamed of you"

This reduced my son to tears and hurt him deeply but rather than just forget about it or back mouth the bloke, he waited until he had said what he had to say and left. He gathered his thoughts the knocked on the door of this bloke and asked for an apology because he DID NOT LIKE what the guy had said.



So should he have just taken that kind of abuse?

Was he right to question the mans actions and ask for an apology?

I think in your eyes he should have just taken it and kept his mouth shut because he is just a kid who has no voice and o rights, well let me tell you this pal...in my house things are run different and if you do not like something you question it EVERY DAMN TIME and you keep questioning it until you get a suitible answer.

At least i know that both my boys will grow knowing they have rights and knowing they have the freedom to question ANYTHING.


You keep breeding silence into your kids and then sit back and watch as people walk all over them because they have never been taught to fight for what they believe in. Just leave me to raise mine they way I see fit :rant:


That is just appalling, I hope that the behaviour of this man was reported to the school. I cannot believe that an adult would speak to a kid in this manner.


Ignore upinwath, he always thinks that he has the moral and intellectual highground.

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That is just appalling, I hope that the behaviour of this man was reported to the school. I cannot believe that an adult would speak to a kid in this manner.


Ignore upinwath, he always thinks that he has the moral and intellectual highground.


It was reported to the school by another kids father who's son had come home and told him what had happened, the school thn rang me and asked me to go in.

I also reported it to the police who went to see the guy and he denied it despite there being 5 other kids also present who witnessed the whole thing.

I have had to nag the police to do there sodding job as when the copper came back she it was his word against the kids and because they are only kids the chances are nothing will get done.

Investigations are still underway apparently or at least thats what i get told three months later.:(

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Involving the police? I'm sorry but that is just a waste of police time. You realise of course that they don't take sides therefore if everyone starts denying it and pointing the finger at each other they have to treat all alleged victims of crime equally. If its all denial then it goes to court and requires witnesses to testify. How far do you want or expect this to go? Did you assume the cop would take your word for it and go and arrest this man? Why did your son tell this man his dad was dead? Why didn't you just confront the man yourself?

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Most of my daughters friend buy their clothes from charity shops and vintage fairs. They are all in to recycling. There have not been any problems with this.

It is all down to the good management of the school and, if incidents do occur then it is nipped in the bud.

So as I said before everyone is an individual.Your last sentence makes no sense.


Is english your first language? To me individual means unique, show me an original person with a unique thought or act in this day and age. If everyone is an individual then everyone is the same and therefore not individual. I sense I am dealing with the kind of parent who tells their kids they are special.

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Involving the police? I'm sorry but that is just a waste of police time. You realise of course that they don't take sides therefore if everyone starts denying it and pointing the finger at each other they have to treat all alleged victims of crime equally. If its all denial then it goes to court and requires witnesses to testify. How far do you want or expect this to go? Did you assume the cop would take your word for it and go and arrest this man? Why did your son tell this man his dad was dead? Why didn't you just confront the man yourself?



My son is not like other kids, he is on the autistic spectrum and is incredibly honest so it would not have occured to him to be anything other than honest when the man asked about his dad.

I did not expect the police to do much but my child has a right to walk the streets without fear or intimidation from anybody and at the very least it was threatining behaviour.

I did not call the police my son did as i have also bought both my boys up to ring the police if ever they feel threatened or scared and there is no other adult around(i was in northumberland at the time of the event)

He felt scared and threatened so quite rightly called the police.


If i had gone to see the parent then nothing positive would have come of it as i was incredibly angry at the time and would not have wanted my son to witness that.

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Is english your first language? To me individual means unique, show me an original person with a unique thought or act in this day and age. If everyone is an individual then everyone is the same and therefore not individual. I sense I am dealing with the kind of parent who tells their kids they are special.




And what the hell is wrong with that, i tell my kids everyday how special they are and how proud i am of them.

I dread to think what your kids are taught, prolly to sit down, shut up and take the s88t.

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Is english your first language? To me individual means unique, show me an original person with a unique thought or act in this day and age. If everyone is an individual then everyone is the same and therefore not individual. I sense I am dealing with the kind of parent who tells their kids they are special.




And what the hell is wrong with that, i tell my kids everyday how special they are and how proud i am of them.

I dread to think what your kids are taught, prolly to sit down, shut up and take the s88t.


Is Mr Prime a parent?

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Ah, I disagree with certain upbringing methods so I am wrong. Fine. And no I am not a parent so my views are completely invalid, fine.


I have seen enough kids with superiority complexes who want special treatment and don't understand why they are being disciplined outside the home because sharp elbowed pushy parents have convinced them they are brilliant and great at everything. The older versions are seen on the X Factor who have clearly been told they are wonderful by mummy and daddykins and are visibly gobsmacked to learn they are not.


As for my own possible future kids I would like you teach them to question everything. However I would also say there is a limit e.g. if you can't win support then your views can't be right as in the democratic principle. Not you are right and everyone else is stupid. I would give credit where it's due and criticism where not to keep them in reality. I would never tell them they are special as they need to know they live in a society, not that the world revolves around them.


As for you your principles are fine but I think you are taking it to extremes but that's your choice and choice is so important isn't it?

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