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Angry at schools dictatorship/need advice.


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Im with the OP on this one, it IS a monopoly not allowing anyone else to reproduce the logo, have they trademarked it? because if not, then they cannot stop anybody reproducing it, and im sure a state school cannot apply for a trademark as the school is owned by the taxpayer!!

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I attempted to question them this morning and they said that is the way it is, i then declared that my son would then not being doing PE until i had resolved the situation only to be told that PE is a compulsory subject and i would be in trouble if i did not send him.


I understand your feelings about this but is it right to possibly make your son "different"? Why not get the shirt now and argue with the school about it afterwards? None of my business I know but that's what I'd do...

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I attempted to question them this morning and they said that is the way it is, i then declared that my son would then not being doing PE until i had resolved the situation only to be told that PE is a compulsory subject and i would be in trouble if i did not send him.


You need to ask the questions in a formal meeting with the headteacher.

I would not put your child in the middle of this disagreement though.

Consider what it will be doing to him being isolated from the other children and how it may affect his views towards you and authority.

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The school uniform is there to make the child feel apart of a team and also to prepare them for a life outside of school whereby they may have to wear a uniform I.e. nursing/army/police. By going against the authority of school you may be damaging any respect that he will have for authority in the future. I think now you have got this off your chest, and I do agree that it is alot to pay for a t-shirt, that you just have to bite the bullett and let him enjoy his school life, either that or move him to another school that is not as bothered about standards.

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You need to ask the questions in a formal meeting with the headteacher.

I would not put your child in the middle of this disagreement though.

Consider what it will be doing to him being isolated from the other children and how it may affect his views towards you and authority.


A t shirt has been sorted out for him so he is not being singled out but i am just so mad that they can do this.

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You need to ask the questions in a formal meeting with the headteacher.

I would not put your child in the middle of this disagreement though.

Consider what it will be doing to him being isolated from the other children and how it may affect his views towards you and authority.


I agree, it's unfair for your son to suffer the fallout from this dispute and get caught in the crossfire, especially as he's new to the school and will be going through a transition and settling in period as it is. I'd get the top (order it today, how long will it take to come?) and pursue the matter separately. If you know any other parents there, I'd consult with them and see if you can get some kind of support on this issue. I's also ask the school directly why it is that this market vendor stocks all other school's logoed items but not this school. If they want to raise money then they should be going down the PTA fundraising route like other schools, rather than ripping off the parents.

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Yes i was and i had a problem with it then.


It is monopoly to only allow themelves to be the sole supplier of the stock and to price the item as high as they like without giving the parent a choice of whether they purchase it or not.


It's crazy... You make it sound like the teachers are running some kind of backstreet t-shirt business that is paying for their second homes in Spain. You're talking about a tenner(!) going back into the school money... But you would rather give a fiver to someone who runs a market stall?


It's things like this that make me think we should scrap state schools for a few years, make people grateful again! Schools do so much for you and your children. If they want you to buy a t-shirt because they feel a uniform is the best way to go then just do it... or take your children out and home school them.


If your feeling about it are really that strong then buy the shirt and THEN write to the school and the LEA and the Prime Minister and the papers about it and have your rant, but don't make your children suffer for your cause.

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A t shirt has been sorted out for him so he is not being singled out but i am just so mad that they can do this.


Glad things have been sorted out.

I fully understand your feelings, but maybe the profits from the shirt are being used to benefit the school in ways not communicated to the parents.

I am sure things will be clarified if you meet the headteacher.

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It's crazy... You make it sound like the teachers are running some kind of backstreet t-shirt business that is paying for their second homes in Spain. You're talking about a tenner(!) going back into the school money... But you would rather give a fiver to someone who runs a market stall?


It's things like this that make me think we should scrap state schools for a few years, make people grateful again! Schools do so much for you and your children. If they want you to buy a t-shirt because they feel a uniform is the best way to go then just do it... or take your children out and home school them.


If your feeling about it are really that strong then buy the shirt and THEN write to the school and the LEA and the Prime Minister and the papers about it and have your rant, but don't make your children suffer for your cause.


However, it all adds up to a significant amount of money and there will be a lot of families on very low incomes and tight budgets who struggle to meet the initial outlay of kitting out their kids in all the uniform requirements at the beginning of the academic year.

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