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Ed Miliband's Labour enjoy poll boost and are ahead of the Tories

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How is this going to work with the new dear leader publicly denouncing the previous tenants for taking us to war, when almost all of his colleagues have spent years bending over backwards defending it? In fact in his speach he criticised a couple of his colleagues who will probably be in his shadow team; for failure to regulate the banks (Ed Balls Treasury stooge for years), for erosion of civil liberties (Alan Johnson), and for taking us to war (the lot of 'em).

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Don't blame the banks blame the borrowers for wanting what the can't afford. No party can rid us of the aspiring under classes who want it all but don't have the means. We are a country of labour voting , Macy'd eating fat subaru driving idiots who bread at an alarming rate. Doooomed


Well it wasn't just the usual scapegoats in the so called underclass that were guilty of maxing out on their credit cards to 'keep up with the Jones's'. It was Middle England too that bought into it too. I mean look at all those property shows that encouraged people to spend spend spend. It's what politicians of all hues call 'aspiration'

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We would struggle to become a skilled, high-tech manufacturing economy because the onions would destroy it again like they did in the seventies - short memories people.


The unions tried (and failed) to stand up for what was left of our manufacturing industry which was destroyed by Thatcher in favour of the present model of an economy based on financial services. The trend was continued by Major and Blair.


Germany also has higher trade union numbers than the UK.

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:rant Don't blame the banks blame the borrowers for wanting what the can't afford. No party can rid us of the aspiring under classes who want it all but don't have the means. We are a country of labour voting , Macy'd eating fat subaru driving idiots who bread at an alarming rate. Doooomed rant:



You sound like you've had too many and possibly contracted BSE!

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:rant: Don't blame the banks blame the borrowers for wanting what the can't afford. No party can rid us of the aspiring under classes who want it all but don't have the means. We are a country of labour voting , Macy'd eating fat subaru driving idiots who bread at an alarming rate. Doooomed :rant:


Most of the borrowing from banks (rather than loan sharks) was by the middle classes.


Please tell more about the alarming rate of Hovis (or any other brands of bread) in subaru's though - it sounds fascinating.

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:rant:Don't blame the banks blame the borrowers for wanting what the can't afford. No party can rid us of the aspiring under classes who want it all but don't have the means. We are a country of labour voting , Macy'd eating fat subaru driving idiots who bread at an alarming rate. Doooomed:rant:


You've got the idea but there is too many that think because they bought their council house or that they take foreign holidays and own a new car they are middle class Tories.

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