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Ed Miliband's Labour enjoy poll boost and are ahead of the Tories

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How do you BREAD at an alarming rate?


Is your comment to do with the speed by which certain persons consume BREAD. Bake BREAD or BUTTER BREAD? I think we deserve to know.


By the way I think your comments are a little left wing.


Don't blame the banks blame the borrowers for wanting what the can't afford. No party can rid us of the aspiring under classes who want it all but don't have the means. We are a country of labour voting , Macy'd eating fat subaru driving idiots who bread at an alarming rate. Doooomed
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It seems the ordinary Labour member didn't get their man, but he got there because of the Union vote. Well what can you say when you're in bed with the Unions, you've made it now lay in it :D


You could turn this arguement on the head, and say that if Brother David had got in, then ordinary union supporters wouldn't have got their man either ... as the vote was 50/50 almost.

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Polly Toynbee 'loony leftie'??!! She was a SDP cheerleader in the 1980s and toward the end of New Labour's period in office championed the cause of the Liberal Democrats.


I think it's more of a reflection of your rabid right wing world view that you see Polly as a lefty.


I recall her wittering on about none eco folk flying to their holiday destinations during an episode of Question Time. Richard Littlejohn asked her how many times she had flown to her villa in Tuscany of late, she was lost for words and glared at him for the duration of the programme. :hihi:

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I am not a Labour Party member (supporter but not member), but both my Unions sent me ballot papers allowing me to vote for which ever candidate I thought best.

Presumably these were taken into account when the vote (of the Union) was decided.


Sorry to catch up with this so late. No, unless you ticked the box on the ballot paper which said : "I am a Labour supporter", your ballot paper would not have been counted. 10% of the Union votes were disqualified because the box hadn't been ticked.

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I'm a little confused about Ed (Milliband) on the "They work for you" website he's shown as voting strongly in favour of ID cards,yet he now doesn't want them? Was he just a "Yes" man?


Labour have a habit of lurching to the left when things aren't going their way, I thought that David was streets ahead of his brother, the Foreign Office helped him big style.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if David Cameron offers him the US ambassadors job, he appears to get on well with Hillary Clinton and would do better with Obama than an old school tie.

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Labour have a habit of lurching to the left when things aren't going their way, I thought that David was streets ahead of his brother, the Foreign Office helped him big style.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if David Cameron offers him the US ambassadors job, he appears to get on well with Hillary Clinton and would do better with Obama than an old school tie.


That would be a good move in an ideal world. But David is labour through and through and i doubt he would take up camerons offer. Hillary may have to do some persuading :)

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The unions tried (and failed) to stand up for what was left of our manufacturing industry which was destroyed by Thatcher in favour of the present model of an economy based on financial services. The trend was continued by Major and Blair.

The onions destroyed our car industry with their "workers" making shoddy cars going on wildcat strikes and being a nuisance to the public in general.


Germany also has higher trade union numbers than the UK


I don't know if this is true or not, but I can't believe they are as millitant and agressive as ours. They didn't destroy their motor industry. :mad:

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