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Ed Miliband's Labour enjoy poll boost and are ahead of the Tories

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So basically because they like Ed. I like Ed, very nice chap. Folk might start to think again when they see that actually much of the old guard are still there. Just watching Newsnight, Peter Hain nominated for Shadow Cabinet, he's a slipery one, and god forbid if Labour ever got back in with arch Brownite Ed Balls as Chancellor, it'd be like a re-run of the last 13 years.



Give me that anyday to what the ConDems are about to do!

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I'd read it another way, compared to his predecessor he looks good. I also don't think that the public had an image problem with Hague et al, it was more of a policy issue. Once the Tories started to try to appeal to the centre ground instead of their core supporters they became a political power again.


It'll be interesting to see Milliband has learned from the Tories mistakes.


Let's face it, Wersul Gummage would have looked good.


I think many are just breathing a sigh of relief that none of the other cronies won it.

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I'd read it another way, compared to his predecessor he looks good. I also don't think that the public had an image problem with Hague et al, it was more of a policy issue. Once the Tories started to try to appeal to the centre ground instead of their core supporters they became a political power again.


It'll be interesting to see Milliband has learned from the Tories mistakes.



I think what did for Hague was the '13 pints a day' when he was delivering his Dad's pop and the baseball cap incident at the Notting Hill carnival.

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I think what did for Hague was the '13 pints a day' when he was delivering his Dad's pop and the baseball cap incident at the Notting Hill carnival.


Lets face facts, nobody could have turned around the Party after shambles of the final few years under Major, the party was too split. Hague spent to much time trying to appeal to his core voters in an attempt to hold the party together, rather than trying to regain the centre ground.


It's worth remembering that he only got the job because he wasn't really a candidate that either wings of the party supported, he was the compromise candidate, a Jim Hacker. I always had a sneaky suspicion that the right of the party only tolerated him because he kept Clarke from power, and they only really expected him to hold onto the job until Portillo was re-elected.

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I expect the Tory faithful in the press will do their best to change this now that "RED ED" was voted as Labour Leader. All with the help of UNION BARONS


This mornings Telegraph did their bit this morning with warnings of an "assault on city bankers" (not in the physical sense I presume). I wonder when George Osbourne spoke of his displeasure at the activities of those in the square mile, did the press report it in the same way?

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I would be totally put off labour for ever after the mess they have left us in, some people forget very easily...


And some people have long memories. God save us from a repeat of the Thatcher/Major years.


I'd rather have a lifetime of Labour's economic semi-competence, compared to the Tory's social incompetence.


There are many of us who do remember the abomination of the last two Tory Governments. That is the real reason why they failed to gain a majority this time, despite the pitiful performance of the Brown Government.

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I expect the Tory faithful in the press will do their best to change this now that "RED ED" was voted as Labour Leader. All with the help of UNION BARONS


This mornings Telegraph did their bit this morning with warnings of an "assault on city bankers" (not in the physical sense I presume). I wonder when George Osbourne spoke of his displeasure at the activities of those in the square mile, did the press report it in the same way?




They were none too happy last week when Vince Cable had a go at the bankers and the City. I wonder how long it will be before the Tory right turn their guns on him.

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Ad some people have long memories. God save us from a repeat of the Thatcher/Major years.



The first sentence is true, but the fact you've posted the second shows that your memory is not one of the long ones. You don't remember why such harsh medicine was necessary; you only remember that you didn't like the taste of it.


Unsurprisingly, we are already seeing the same thing happen again, as people blame the new Government for the cuts it is having to make because of the hideous mess the old Government made of the country's finances.

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The first sentence is true, but the fact you've posted the second shows that your memory is not one of the long ones. You don't remember why such harsh medicine was necessary; you only remember that you didn't like the taste of it.


Unsurprisingly, we are already seeing the same thing happen again, as people blame the new Government for the cuts it is having to make because of the hideous mess the old Government made of the country's finances.


I think that you have misunderstood my post. I was attempting to point out that the Thatcher Government became drunk on power.. even the most ardent Tory can't be proud of the third government that she presided over.


The less said about Major and Brown, the better. For very similar reasons.

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