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Alcohol again !


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As the proposal to introduce a minimum price for alcohol was defeated, they are at it again by telling supermarkets how much money they could make by increasing the proce according to today's Metro. Why don't they just sod off, the persistent littler beggars.

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There are certain people who are simply Control Freaks. Unfortunately, they are exactly the type of people who get involved in local and national politics-----a boring job perhaps, but these people would sacrifice anything to get a bit of power.


Most of us are just too busy living our lives [ no time or inclination to tell other people what to do ]-----but we can 't-----'cos the Prodnoses & Know-Alls are always interfering in our drinking, eating and smoking habits.......and making up a million and one other regulations to keep us all in line.


Have you filled in your ' Visit To The Bathroom ' form yet ? Coming your way, soon......!


Carry On, England........Cheers.....!

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