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Men can multi-task better than women!

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Where does this myth come from?


Take a look at all the high pressure jobs that require multi tasking such as fighter pilots or astronauts. Most of them are...............Men! Get off your high horse women!


(bring on the onslaught:help:)


Bad examples. There are now women pilots and astronauts ;):)

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Where does this myth come from?


Take a look at all the high pressure jobs that require multi tasking such as fighter pilots or astronauts. Most of them are...............Men! Get off your high horse women!


(bring on the onslaught:help:)


You're obviously a man, and don't fully understand what multi-tasking is.


Being an astonaut/fighter pilot/whatever, is a job, 'a' job.


Us women can combine several 'separate' jobs whilst mentally planning several others.



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Bad examples. There are now women pilots and astronauts ;):)


Good examples.

The % of women in those types of jobs is tiny.

With good reason too. i doubt the RAF would be too happy at some PMT ravaged bint in charge of 50 million quids worth of fighter jet who goes postal once a month cos her bum looks too big in her flight suit.

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Men evolved to hunt animals - a job that requires fierce concentration, and total dedication to the task at hand to the exclusion of all else.


Women evolved to raise the family - a task that requires you pay attention to several different things all at once.



In today's modern world, it's no longer necessary for women to remain chained to the cave raising thirty children in the hope that one or two of them survive to adulthood: nor is it necessary that the man must, of necessity, be the breadwinner. But a few thousand years is a mere blink of an eye in evolutionary terms; men are still hard-wired to concentrate on one thing at a time, intensely, and women are still hard-wired to work on several things at once.

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Good examples.

The % of women in those types of jobs is tiny.

With good reason too. i doubt the RAF would be too happy at some PMT ravaged bint in charge of 50 million quids worth of fighter jet who goes postal once a month cos her bum looks too big in her flight suit.


Nah. Still bad examples. The organisations such as the RAF and NASA are man lead and it's a case of 'jobs for the boys'. Women are more than capable, but very few get through or are put off by the culture(s) in said organisations.

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Nah. Still bad examples. The organisations such as the RAF and NASA are man lead and it's a case of 'jobs for the boys'. Women are more than capable, but very few get through or are put off by the culture(s) in said organisations.


Good examples! Most are men, not women.

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It's just an excuse that men cannot multi-task, so get the women to run the home, look after the kids, and go to work as well. I would swop jobs with men anyday whatever that job was. Men are just lazy. They think working an eight hour day is enough, when women often do a 24 hour job 7 days a week.

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