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Longley Park History / Memories


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*From YPS Member about Longley


A friend of mine once told me that a few years ago he was jogging through

the park at night, when he had a wierd experience. He was pretty tired by

then, and was breathing heavily. All of a sudden, he could hear someone

either breathing the same, or mocking him, right over his shoulder. He

looked back but couldn't see anything. When he stopped, the breathing

stopped, and as he continued it started again.


He took off and didn't stop until he got out of the park. It scared him

****less, but as he stood getting his breath back on the pavement outside

the park, he saw another jogger coming his way through the park. As he

watched, the man suddenly looked back with what appeared to be shock, and

started to run faster. It seemed to be at exactly the same place that he had

heard the breathing.


Unfortunately, he didn't ask the jogger what had happened, but I can't

remember if it was that he took another route, or my friend just didn't feel

like saying anything.


My only thought was perhaps some kind of freak echo, but as this is in the

middle of the park, surrounded by trees, it seems unlikely

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Crowder house used to stand where the football ground is now, it was pulled down in the 1930s, part of it straddled where the bottom of Crowland Rd is now. I wonder if any of the strange experiences go back to this? A man comitted suicide sometime between 1950 and 1956 on the edges of the old Firth Park Grammer field and the wood at the top of the hill in the park above the swimming pool.

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The woman murdered in Longley Park was called Mary Booth who's body still lies in the park.

She was murdered by her husband after she was caught in bed with her lover in a house on the old brushes ground.

He chased her into the park on horse back and murdered her and there is a plaque by the stream marking her grave.

It is said that the horseman can be seen in the park on a white horse at 12 midnight every valentines day.


Just to note:


The small wooded area at the side of the ambulance station on Herries Drive is also haunted.

Unconfirmed info says a young boy drowned in the marsh in there.

A local woman who walks her dog every morning around 6 AM heard children playing in the wood in December last year and it stopped her in her tracks and she turned back.

She wont go down there now.

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Originally posted by Jon

:thumbsup: YPS are going down to investigate this in the next few days PM me if you wanna pop along and show me this tree or the plaque of her grave. :thumbsup: Jon

Sorry i,m misleading you, the site is actually engraved on a stone next to the stream but note that Mary Booth is burried around the tree area near the top.
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Originally posted by Cycleracer

Sorry i,m misleading you, the site is actually engraved on a stone next to the stream but note that Mary Booth is burried around the tree area near the top.

Thanks for the information Cycleracer :thumbsup: Jon
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