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Longley Park History / Memories


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Originally posted by mslotus

Anyone out there remember the open air pool in Longley Park. I enjoyed many happy days there in '73, '74, 75. It was a great place to meet friends during the summer holidays.

i mslotus used to go to longley baths all time late 50s tomid 60s mainly summer ,maltese sam used to run it with a bloke called brian
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Originally posted by Bigbirdssg

Hi! I have just registered to the forum because I read this post and wanted to reply. I live in Longley and my house overlooks the park. (I live on Crowder rd). I was looking for the history of the park and this thread came up. I am only 14 so Iv never seen the swimming pool but I know where it used to be.


Iv got two questions.:

1.Has anybody got, or knows where to get any more information on the Mary Booth story as it is very interesting?

2.I walk my dog nearly everyday in the park and I have never seen a memorial stone near the stream even though I go past every day. Could someone please tell me EXACTLY where it is?


I would be very grateful if you could answer these. Thanks!

Mary Booth was the mistress at the premises where the old school was (Now Longley College) and was found out by her husband of having an affair.

He chased her into Longley Park and murdered her, and her body is still in the park near a tree at the top.

Go to page 1 on this thread, there is a little info about her.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Today I took my dog for a walk in the park and found the memorial stone. I wouldnt have seen it if they hadnt have cleaned up the stream area. It is very worn and the only words I could make out were 18 obvioulsy part of a year. What looked like 55th but it could have been some other number and Epidemic. I couldnt make out any more of the words. I tried to take a picture of it to put up here but its so worn that when I took a photo it just looked like a bit of stone.

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Like BonnieClyde I was there in the fifties and also used to sit at the top of the hill. I remember McMillan the footballer, who had lost part of his leg. We used to watch him when he came to swim. I used to meet up with my friends and I remember enjoying sitting with the girls. We had to change and hand our clothes in a basket where we then got a wrist band.

I used to do head stands to impress and I remember a bronzed couple who came in regularly. They used to plaster on the vinegar and olive oil. I stuck to the Soltan cream.

Happy memories which are now revived.

Sheffield Forum is ace for this.

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  • 8 months later...
Like BonnieClyde I was there in the fifties and also used to sit at the top of the hill. I remember McMillan the footballer, who had lost part of his leg. We used to watch him when he came to swim. I used to meet up with my friends and I remember enjoying sitting with the girls. We had to change and hand our clothes in a basket where we then got a wrist band.

I used to do head stands to impress and I remember a bronzed couple who came in regularly. They used to plaster on the vinegar and olive oil. I stuck to the Soltan cream.

Happy memories which are now revived.

Sheffield Forum is ace for this.

:cool: Does anyone know when Longley baths were built? I know my parents,family,and friends took me there,as a very young child.I think it was in the early 40s.I remember screaming the place down in the changing cubicles! I wanted my Mum, who was sitting on th grassy embankment outside the pool area.It was a scorching hot day.There were hundreds of people milling around. Scary for a young Un!A bit like the seaside to us kids off the estate-but no sea.Could get ice cream tho. I"ve looked through this thread and can"t see any mention of the fact that part of Longley Park used to be the Municipal tip. If that is true,there must be a lot of old stuff under there worth a bit now!
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Today I took my dog for a walk in the park and found the memorial stone. I wouldnt have seen it if they hadnt have cleaned up the stream area. It is very worn and the only words I could make out were 18 obvioulsy part of a year. What looked like 55th but it could have been some other number and Epidemic. I couldnt make out any more of the words. I tried to take a picture of it to put up here but its so worn that when I took a photo it just looked like a bit of stone.

Glad you found it. It wasn't very clear when I saw it in the late 50's early 60's though you could make out most of it with care.

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I used to go to Longley pool in the fifty's when it was always clean and packed with teenages. Great fun, and afterwards sit with crowd of other teenagers at the very top off the hill overlooking the pool near to what was called lovers lane. I wonder if any other Forum readers remember the early days there?


I was there at that time too, remember having to queue to get in at times, get a basket for your clothes and then get your tag, it was a bugger if you lost the tag. Lovers lane finished the day off well, if you were lucky, from what I hear, Longley, Southey & Shirecliffe aint what they used to be, but I have many happy memories of those areas.

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