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Leadmill Bouncers


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just ask the people who the doorstaff protect by ejecting those rowdy lads that want to start a fight with anyone - usually the smallest guy there, or the idiots that keep pestering the girls by grabbing their behinds and making lewd comments, or the dealers that have been seen peddling their wares, or the handbag thieves who are prowling round ready to nick your bag - purse - mobile. Or what about when someone has been glassed and the doorstaff are there giving first aid while the ambulance comes, not to mention when the younger ones on nights out collapse through drink/drugs and need looking after, ask them how they see doorstaff.

All those people giving door staff a hard time on here should think back to some of the nastier incidents they have seen on a nite out and remember the doorman who was looking out for your safety.

Its like any job in the world there will always be a bad apple in the barrel, just like theres bad police- bad waiters- bad driving instructers - bad shop assisstants, just spare a thought for all of the door staff that do do a good job before tarring them with the same brush..and by the way being called a bouncer is so 1980's we are door staff now.

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