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Discrimination against Christians in Indonesia

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Well don't be surprised as Christians are discriminated in Western world as well by the atheists and protestants.........


Oh dear, you've gone and made yourself look silly again. :hihi:


Where's UpInWath to tell us all that that sort of thing never happens in Paradise ?

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I'm rather confused. Isn't 'discrimination of', and 'discrimination against' the same thing? Or is there some grammatical law that sets the two apart?


Where's Lord Chavelry when you need him?

They are not the same thing, to discriminate is simply to; "Make or constitute a difference in or between; distinguish, differentiate." (SOED definition) this isn't necessarily negative for example there was discrimination for boys under the 11 plus.


"Discrimination of Christians" simply says that Christians are being differentiated from other groups, giving no indication of whether this is positive or negative discrimination. Given the way in which people tend to use the term 'discrimination' these days and a knowledge of the OPs political leanings it seemed unlikely to me that the discrimination was of a kind Indonesian Catholics like but strictly speaking the thread title is ambiguous.

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I watched this program over the weekend which I found both interesting and disturbing. I'd encourage you to watch it start to finish. For a country that is meant to guarantee freedom of religion by its constitution, they don't seem to be upholding it too well.




Maybe we in the UK should follow their lead, we dont have freedom of religion here, we pussy foot around Muslims because it is PC. When people are in a diffrent country they should abide by the culture of it. There is an old saying "When in Rome do as the Romans do".

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Maybe we in the UK should follow their lead, we dont have freedom of religion here, we pussy foot around Muslims because it is PC. When people are in a diffrent country they should abide by the culture of it. There is an old saying "When in Rome do as the Romans do".


Indonesian Christians are in their own country. :confused:


This seems like one of those threads where some people just roll out their usual line even if it doesn't make sense!

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Maybe we in the UK should follow their lead, we dont have freedom of religion here, we pussy foot around Muslims because it is PC. When people are in a diffrent country they should abide by the culture of it. There is an old saying "When in Rome do as the Romans do".


In this country we lead by example, we TOLERATE other beliefs. Persecuting others i.e. muslims, jews, etc. was all done centuries ago. Education is the answer, multifaith schools help children understand each other.

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Maybe we in the UK should follow their lead, we dont have freedom of religion here, we pussy foot around Muslims because it is PC. When people are in a diffrent country they should abide by the culture of it. There is an old saying "When in Rome do as the Romans do".

What a bizarre post. Replete with incoherent furry at Muslims yet simultaneously arguing that we should be more like Indonesian Muslims in there bigotry and intolerance :loopy:


Also good job on somehow failing to notice that Indonesian Christians are in their own country.


Just out of interest what do you think the permitted religion in the UK should be? Do you want to go back to non-conformists, Catholics, Jews, free thinkers... and everyone who isn't an Anglican being persecuted or what?

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