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Is Cocaine abuse out of control in Sheffield??


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I was once out in Harrogate and we went into a club there, quite a well known chain at the time, they did not even bother to be discrete enough to go to the toilet, groups were sat round in booths near the bar and at least 3 of the groups were openly doing coke, the bar staff and bouncers turned a blind eye, there was no way they did not know what was happening it was so public! Not seen anything like that in Sheffield.....yet.

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Think it depends on whats most readily available and the price,theres such a thing as market forces,even in the seedy underworld of drug abuse!

could just be theres a glut of coke about,ours mostly comes via the afghan route,it seems some of the soldiers have found a way of topping up thier wage packets....

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Yes it is out of control. Till we thrash the dealers and those hard to catch at the top it will remain so. We need to put the fear of god into dealers. Some of the recent murders and serious assaults we have had recently is down to drugs and dealing.. But the courts are too soft on dealers, The Police do their best under pressure. Maybe the dealers and users will eventually kill each other off but I doubt it.

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Iv not witnessed any signs of it bieng out of control,just more of it about at cheaper prices.

The bigger dealers have more sophisticated protection and are rarely prosecuted,lower down the chain,the smaller suppliers take the odd hit,but are a vast source of info on local crime,often trading off with police for non prosecution

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Its readily available in any big town or city,its called market forces,supply and demand.

I dont use ANY illegal substance,but i could get hold of it within 5 mins walk of my front door.

Iv attended local raves for a number of years,iv seen the drugs scene from many different sides,dealers,suppliers,addicts,light users.

I know many local suppliers,there not always what youd expect,some are VERY well educated,some are well known local businessmen,others are quiet and unasuming and dont flash thier cash,one local takeaway supplies anything you need,in any quantity,from dealer amounts to small wraps,iv seen a guy buy a kilo of heroin wrapped in that days sheffield star!!

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