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Are the Government using anti-terrorist laws to silence "Truth Seekers "?

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They are a danger because there are a lot of gullible people around. Apparently the majority of muslims in Britain believe 9/11 etc was all a big set up. Not just the fringe lunatics. This is what happens when stories float around as fact and the kind of mentality that thinks statues drink milk or believe in the virgin birth get hold of them. In fact teenage geek conspiracy stories can actually lead to more death as other geeks believe in them and decide to take action.

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Why are they a danger


Because they spread paranoia, panic and general stupidness throughout the public, they don't encourage people to make-up their own minds they tell you what is the truth and if you don't agree there must be something wrong with you, in fact they are the "anti-government", exactly the same but an opposite message.

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Because they spread paranoia, panic and general stupidness throughout the public, they don't encourage people to make-up their own minds they tell you what is the truth and if you don't agree there must be something wrong with you, in fact they are the "anti-government", exactly the same but an opposite message.


Until the last bit i thought you was talking about the Government.

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They are a danger because there are a lot of gullible people around. Apparently the majority of muslims in Britain believe 9/11 etc was all a big set up. Not just the fringe lunatics. This is what happens when stories float around as fact and the kind of mentality that thinks statues drink milk or believe in the virgin birth get hold of them. In fact teenage geek conspiracy stories can actually lead to more death as other geeks believe in them and decide to take action.


Gullible or informed ?

There's not just muslims thinking it .

http://www.scrippsnews.com/911poll Thats a poll done in 2006

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Nobody who is really calm and of balanced mind thinks it. Conspiracy theories are the modern day equivalent of old fishwives in the 18th century spreading stories about witches because it's exciting and entertaining. All that Loose Change rubbish is so flimsy. I hated Bush and his entourage but the idea they blew up one of the USA's biggest icons to galvanise the masses when simple WMD lies would have been sufficient is ridiculous. The fact US intelligence knew something was brewing has mutated into they not only knew exactly what was brewing and allowed it but that they planned it themselves. If it were true it would require concrete proof not Loose Changeesque crud. If it turns out you are right then I take my hat off to you and I recognise you could be right but 98% of my mind refuses to believe it.


Community leaders are always self appointed. No one should be respected who can not be elected by a fair ballot, not heavies of the self appointed Iman going around telling the sheep how to vote or taking their postal votes to indistrial estates outside Birmingham.

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It appears so.:confused:




Why are they a danger if what they say is so easily debunked

All they have to do is have an open honest debate on the issues.


Sorry but I can't see any mention of "anti-terrorist laws" anywhere in the prison planet article. The bill was aimed at infringements of copyright - ie file sharing.

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Sorry but I can't see any mention of "anti-terrorist laws" anywhere in the prison planet article. The bill was aimed at infringements of copyright - ie file sharing.


But those laws could be used and abused.If they can,they probably will be.

Quote from the article.

Opposing MPs argued that the clause was too broad and open ended, arguing that the phrase “likely to be used” could be used to block websites without them ever having been used for “activity that infringes copyright”. Other MPs argued that under the bill, whistleblower websites, such as Wikileaks, could be targeted.


The legislation will also allow the Home Secretary to place “a technical obligation on internet service providers” to block whichever sites it wishes.


Could it also enable them to remove or force a public forum to remove comments,threads and links that could support terrorists ?,or in other words expose the Government for what they are.(corrupt as hell)

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