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Are the Government using anti-terrorist laws to silence "Truth Seekers "?

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Its only a matter of time before questioning anything is against the law, its been on the card since the facts of what have happened got into the public domain for people to makeup their own minds.


This will soon be on par with the holocaust soon where you are in for it for questioning it. I am not denying the holocaust before some dip stick starts that one, its merely an example of where this is heading.


The problem with their argument is that its not terrorists that 'truth seek' its their own citizens that have the freedom and the brains to workout the facts for themselves.

This is only an issue now because it cannot be hidden any more since dinner jacket put it out on the world stage. If he hadn't then they would have gone on trying to discredit people as idiots in hope it would go away, but not it will have to become some terrorist propaganda to dare mention it and people will start getting sentenced for it.


If we live in a country where they are telling you what you can and cannot believe then we my as well have become commies back in the 50's because there would be no distinction regarding 'freedom' from that to what we are going to end up with.


This is the scariest thing since the coming to power of the Nazis if we go down this road.

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Reason for what?


Not giving a reason (no point,i wouldn't believe it)

I wasn't on at the time ,was someone really offensive ?(then remove comment) or did someone reveal some compelling stuff the demonocracy would not want,other than on a genuine "nutjob site" with David Icke on it somewhere.

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They are a danger because there are a lot of gullible people around. Apparently the majority of muslims in Britain believe 9/11 etc was all a big set up. Not just the fringe lunatics. This is what happens when stories float around as fact and the kind of mentality that thinks statues drink milk or believe in the virgin birth get hold of them. In fact teenage geek conspiracy stories can actually lead to more death as other geeks believe in them and decide to take action.

You should work for FOX NEWS :hihi:


Where's your evidence to back up this claim ?

Ill tell you,you don't have any, why ? because you just come out with this crap in hope that people are gullible enough to believe it off hand and not question it, take it matter of factly because you posted it.


Apparently is the key word, its not apparent to anyone but the person coming out with the rubbish usually. This is a tactic of Murdock Media.


Show me the evidence fr your claim, post me the links.


Apparently you are talking out of your top hat.


Here's another tactic used, 'Some say' bla bla bla (whatever lie you wish to put out as fact)

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Not giving a reason (no point,i wouldn't believe it)

I wasn't on at the time ,was someone really offensive ?(then remove comment) or did someone reveal some compelling stuff the demonocracy would not want,other than on a genuine "nutjob site" with David Icke on it somewhere.


I think you give yourself more importance than you have...no offence meant...we've all had threads/posts pulled without a reason given...ask the mods via the correct channel (helpdesk?) if you really want to know..I suspect the thread started to go the way lots do when Islam starts to be mentioned...

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I think you give yourself more importance than you have...no offence meant...we've all had threads/posts pulled without a reason given...ask the mods via the correct channel (helpdesk?) if you really want to know..I suspect the thread started to go the way lots do when Islam starts to be mentioned...
I agree, topics can go for numerous reasons.

There was a topic that was up that I thought was fun, no bickering, no anti Islamic sentiments :D people were just getting on.

The topic was about bunkers and on a survivalist theme. One day it just went, and questioning it got you in lumber (I got banned)

Anyhow the only thing I can think of that could have been slightly dubious for it to get pulled was a link to a site that said that in the event of a nuclear attack and in fact terrorist attacks in the UK, the Queen and royalty were put on a ship in a loch in Scotland that was in effect a floating bunker.

Now that was what I thought was the only thing it could have been, but there's probably loads more other reasons that it get removed, but to a suspicious mind it was the only logical conclusion.

I don't believe that now, but at the time it made sense. The only way to know for sure would be to start a tread just on that and stick the links back up and wait :D

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I too am quite interested in why the 7/7 thread from the other day was removed without trace, as I'm not aware of any rules that were being broken, there were no warnings, it stayed on topic, and in the case of being a duplicate thread - they're normally merged or closed with a note from a mod, not just vanished.

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Wasent the op of that post being attacked by other members? that is a means for removal me thinks.


oh and just because you are not paranoid... doesn't mean they are not all out to get you! *spooky music* *person screaming*


So are the lizzard people out to get us or what?

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I too am quite interested in why the 7/7 thread from the other day was removed without trace, as I'm not aware of any rules that were being broken, there were no warnings, it stayed on topic, and in the case of being a duplicate thread - they're normally merged or closed with a note from a mod, not just vanished.
All you will get is a Mod directing you to the help desk but you won't get an answer that your looking for but a general something or other that still leaves you baffled.


The answer you will defiantly get if you carried on digging is that the forum is owned and they can do what they want like it or lump it followed by you getting banned if you persist. Better just to accept it and keep stum and think to your self that its a conspracy :hihi:

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