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Waggin' School - Did you play truant?


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One of my favourite hobbies as a kid was waggin school, especially on days when we had lessons I didn’t enjoy.


We tried many different ways to fill the long day. Sometimes we’d get on a bus and walk round town. Nobody seemed to question why four 13 year olds weren’t at school, it was just accepted.

Other times we would go to Greno woods with Anne and Jaqueline, build a tarzan swing, and chase squirrels. (Never caught any)

There was a School Bobby, Ted Mattimore, who used to come looking for us, but to be honest I don’t think his heart was in it, as he was always looking the other way when he drove past us.


I remember once even spending the day at Wadsley Bridge Station, doing a bit of trainspotting. Not much came of it though, as there was only about three trains went through. Never tried it again


Do any other Forumites have memories of the wag?

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This made me cringe! I once wagged it in Meadowhall and thought I was really clever and had got away with it- until I realised I had lost my purse that had my address details in it. Someone working in Meadowhall called my Mum.


Hmmmm ..... not so clever afterall. :rolleyes:

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Yep, once myself and a mate got chatting to some girls from another school and waited for them in their school grounds while they went in for their afternoon mark in the register.

we got caught by a teacher who phoned our school and had to wait for our headmaster to collect us.

earned us 6 of the best that did, but i met the lass again at silver blades a week later and we became an item for two years.

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yeah i wagged it loads of times in my first year at senior school!--i even got lost once!---not much fun though when it started to pour with rain when i was miles from nowhere!--did settle down though and ended up in top class in last year!-i didnt really wag it for any particular reason,other than i hated school!--now i find myself telling kids at the school where i work,what a great place it really is!!

what a hypocrit!!(dont know if thats the right spelling!)

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I used to wag it from Aston Comp, and go to Treeton Dyke with my mates, until i got run over on my bike on the way home, and the Police brought me home. My Dad grabbed me and gave me a good hiding in front of the two constables, the look on thier faces was a picture. My pops always was a nutter!:suspect:

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Originally posted by Dannyj

I used to wag it from Aston Comp, and go to Treeton Dyke with my mates, until i got run over on my bike on the way home, and the Police brought me home. My Dad grabbed me and gave me a good hiding in front of the two constables, the look on thier faces was a picture. My pops always was a nutter!:suspect:





All Aston kids must do this, we used to hang out in the woods as well or go down to the 'Garth, cos they'd serve anyone (yes even kids in uniform)

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Never wagged school, although used to come up with various health complaints to get out of PE lessons. I think I must have been the only girl in history to have "women's problems" twice a week for five years!


I used to skive collage all the time though, and head to MacDonalds or smoke cheeky spliffs in the woods with a gang of mates! Never did my A Levels any harm - still got pretty good grades!!!

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