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Waggin' School - Did you play truant?


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Originally posted by julz



All Aston kids must do this, we used to hang out in the woods as well or go down to the 'Garth, cos they'd serve anyone (yes even kids in uniform)


I went to Aston comp, although a bit earlier than you and Dannyj, (the swimming pool wasn't built when i left)

I remember our year tutor (longy) having a very distinctive sounding green Volkswagen, that we would listen out for, i still think it's him when i hear one now.

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Leave School before Mr Coggins Physics class, down to get a Cob from Dels, into Admiral chippy and fill the scooped out cob with chips and scraps. Then off down to the Dyke (past our house on Fence Hill) or into Pea fields at the back of Miners Welfare. Bliss. Wish i could do it now!:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Hi Dannyj - what's stopping you waggin' it now? I've ocassionally wagged it off work when the weathers been good and I didn't want to spend the day cooped up in a stuffy office. I've called friends on the way to work and we've done a detour, met at the station and spent the day in York instead. Sometimes we've invented appointments at the doctors/dentist etc and left work early to meet up and go the the pictures. Now and again it's good for the soul to be a teenager again!

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  • 1 year later...

I probably was the worst attender at Carfield Cowsheds, what an apology for a school, they wouldn't even give me a school leavers certificate. Most of the teachers were sycophantic creeps who catered to the rich kids and used us council house kids as whipping boys. I recall humiliating remarks like, " You might write like that in Attercliffe but we do it correctly in Holythorpe" or being paraded through the school displaing your excercise book where you had the termerity to make an ink blot.

My daily routine ws to get my morning attendance, then wag it off for the afternoon, the teachers were to stupi or to lazy to mark the register in the afternoons so I didn't get sussed until I was 14 and a half then they expelled me a day before I was due to leave. The Headmaster, Mr Kay seemed a decent enough bloke but was totally inefectual. There was one other teacher who joined the school in early 1952, he didn't have a class and was setting up the science lab/classroom to teach electrics. I was put to be his labourer in wiring up the benches, and sample cicuits, I believe he had just left the Royal Navy having stayed on at the end of the war. I owe that guy in spades, he personally educated me in those short months, he was full of praise for ones work, explained everything and used the maths that we thought had only been devised as a devious method of torture.

Having no School Leavers Certificate I was condemed to the Mines, where I came top in the Training Class at Treeton, was granted a day of per week for further education at Dinnington, went the long way round gaining ONC HNC BSc. In a nutshel I was Top Of the Class at my Junior School, bottom at the Cowsheds, and top or in the upper quartile in every other course. What does that say for those " Educators" at Carfield, except for my final mentor, to whom I owe my eternal gratitude, unfortunately I can't remeber his name, or I would have been saying prayer for him every night.

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Used to wag school regular!!Tapton early 70s,two or three of us would slope off after dinner,favourate haunts were Forge dam cafe or hangingwater chipoyle!!!got caught more than once and received two strokes on each hand!!then in the 5th year a couple of new generation teachers started at Tapton whos attitude was its your education suffering not mine!!!took the edge off it for me that!!!so my last year was mainly spent in school!!but they were happy days,wouldnt like to be growing up today have to be too careful where you wander!!!!

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