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Is cannabis better than alcohol!

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I keep hearing the 'cannabis makes you chill, not fight' line trotted out, but some of the most aggressive, violent people I have come across are regular cannabis users. Is there a distinction between types of cannabis and how it effects behaviour? Also, I have to say, they do drink as well, could it be the combination of the two further promotes aggression?

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Well my point of view is coming from a younger perspective, i cant imagine any of the people i know to sit and paint or anything like that, they all just sit about doing nothing. My comment was more of a comparison to the origional post saying alcohol makes people do things they wouldnt usualy do and makes them agressive and can cause health problems, well yep this does happen if people drink alot too regularly. However if they just have a pint after work it wont do anything.


if you buy weed every day and smoke it all the time you just turn into a stoner forgetting everything and never been bothered to do anything except smoke, however if you just have a smoke on a friday night after work i cant see much harm in that.


True, it's that fine line between using & abusing.


However, my post refers to the bigger picture. On a whole, cannabis is far less dammaging to society and the individual who takes it.

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I do agree with you, to be honest i think not one is more harmfull than the other, but to make cannabis legal will just add to problems. people get addicted and have to rob to get money to be able to afford it.


Its the odd ones who act dickish that spoil it for the rest. about 99% of drinkers get drunk and have a good time with their friends and behave well, but then you get the dicks who for some reason cause trouble, fight and destroy everything meaning prices of alcohol are going up.

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It's less addictive, it doesn't make you want to fight everyone, it grown naturally, it can make you more creative, it is less dammaging to the user long term, it doesn't increase your willingness to take silly risks.... The list goes on!


Alcohol kills more people than all other drugs combined times one thousand!


Why is it still illegal to use cannabis?? :huh:


Alcohol would be illegal too, had it not been a staple in the lives of many in this country for centuries... Many countries across Europe have laws which allow the cultivation on a small scale for personal use - this would be a excellent idea for the UK too, but as we all know the governments we have in the UK are very very nervous about making decisions re drugs of all varieties... You are spot on about the effects of cannabis use, but I would also like to add that you are also less likely to be physically sick, and you don't get a hang over after a heavy session!

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I do agree with you, to be honest i think not one is more harmfull than the other, but to make cannabis legal will just add to problems. people get addicted and have to rob to get money to be able to afford it.


Its the odd ones who act dickish that spoil it for the rest. about 99% of drinkers get drunk and have a good time with their friends and behave well, but then you get the dicks who for some reason cause trouble, fight and destroy everything meaning prices of alcohol are going up.


You cannot become addicted to cannabis, so you would never have an issue about people robbing others for cash to pay for it...

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Heres the problem with people who smoke cannabis, the "why should it be illegal? i smoke it every day and theres nothing wrong with me" argument. You need to open your eyes and realise how much it takes over your life! you spend so much money buying the stuff then smoke it and sit for hours been stoned out your face doing nothing productive at all, its not good for you!


The people you know are a different breed to those who I know - all my friends are professionals, all have a heavy workload and all smoke rather than drink... Having a session on a friday night doesn't take over your life, in the same way as people going to the pub at the weekend can't be said to take over their life...

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