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Ridiculous Whiplash Claim..

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Here's one to watch for ...


You pull up behind a car at a roundabout. There's nothing coming and the car in front pulls out. You follow. The car in front slams on their brakes for no reason. You touch bumpers. The driver of the car in front claims they've got whiplash.

Exact same thing happened to me last year. I kissed the front car, exactly like the OP (no damage whatsoever, impact 2 mph at most). The driver made out she was shook-up (...but more 'uncertain how to be' than genuinely suffering, if you know what I mean), but still fine enough to follow me a few hundred yards into a CP and swap details, so I immediately smelled a rat.


Luckily enough, I always carry a compact good-quality digicam, so went round to hers (from the details swapped) a short while later, found her car and snapped away a few dozen close-up and not-so-close up frames.


Sure enough, telcall from insurers later in the day, to tell me she's claimed for whiplash. Off went the photos (her car/my car, date-stamped) and signed witness statement by email/confirmed by recorded post, with strict instructions to contest. So far as I know (and was last told by my insurers), her claim has never been honoured.


The reason I always have a digicam? Because, in this instance (and besides the help the photos proved to be), who's to say the driver wasn't going to go reverse her car into a bollard on the quiet later in the day, put that on my back and claim I'd have had my car repaired by the time the assessor turns up? Seen and heard that one happen plenty of times before.

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If you hadn't been driving so fast round a blind corner it would never have happened. If it had been a 5 year old who had been stood in the road and you had knocked over, would you still be fuming? Treat it as a lesson in driving.


Where did anyone mention speed?

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  • 2 weeks later...
unfortunately, it's people like theses who increase our insurance premiums.


To be honest, it's getting worse, may be because of the recession!!! Still no excuse though


I offer you my friendly advice as a colleague.


You, like me, will be considered the devil on here for daring to be a PI lawyer. Prepare to be considered scum. :)

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I caught someone's car in a car park once, totally my fault, which I admitted.

I made numerous calls to my insurance company disputing the damage, I found out in the end that they'd paid out £2268 to her for what was really just looked to be paint damage on the rear bumper / panel.

I was told she was claiming for 2 baby seats (I wish I'd checked these were actually in the car) to the tune of £200+, and apparently "if her children had been in the car she would have claimed for them too" according to my insurance company.

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