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How long to get over relationship breakdown?

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Ive been in five, ranging from six years to seven months. Three weeks is when you start picking yourself up, not feeling lovesick and get back to eating.


Why 3 weeks? Surely it's a subjective thing, we're all wired differently and I guess the speed with which we recover is dependent on our psyche, how much of an emotional investment we had in the relationship and what might be occupying our lives afterwards.

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I've never really been one to mope over exes-but I do identify with mojo's sentiment that some of the mourning can be done whilst still in the relationship. My only other "serious" long term relationship, other then the one I am in now lasted four and a half years, but I aws unhappy for about a year before the split happened, and so was relatively ok when we eventually went out separate ways. If my current relationship (two and a half years) was to break up right now it would take much longer to get over, as I actually still like my OH :hihi:


That's my experience-but it's definately a personal thing, so don't beat yourself up if you're "over" it immediately, and equally don't think there's something wrong if it takes months until you're ready to move on. There are no hard or fast rules. Good luck!

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